
(Kiana) #1
Stress and Health 457

example of a(n) ________________ frustration, while the fact he
despises practicing is an example of a(n) ________________
a. personal; external c. internal; external
b. external; personal d. personal; internal

  1. Kina’s husband comes home from work angry because of an argu-
    ment he had with his boss. Subsequently, Kina’s husband begins
    yelling at her for no apparent reason. Ultimately, Kina finds herself
    yelling at their youngest child for apparently no good reason other
    than being frustrated. Kina is displaying
    a. escape. c. displaced aggression.
    b. withdrawal. d. projection.

  2. Erica was very frustrated with her job and ultimately decided to
    quit. What do we call this method of handling frustration?
    a. This approach is called using a scapegoat.
    b. This is an example of an emotion-focused method.
    c. This approach is called escape or withdrawal.
    d. This approach is called ignoring.

  3. Keenan is trying to decide if he should go on spring break with his
    friends to Las Vegas or with his other friends to Miami Beach, both
    of which he has enjoyed going to in the past. Keenan’s situation is
    an example of a(n) __ conflict.
    a. approach–approach
    b. avoidance–avoidance
    c. approach–avoidance
    d. multiple approach–avoidance

  4. In which of Selye’s stages is death a possible outcome?
    a. alarm c. reaction
    b. resistance d. exhaustion

  5. According to Richard Lazarus, determining what can be done
    to deal with one’s stress is an example of a ____
    a. primary c. formal
    b. secondary d. tertiary

  6. Jolene rarely takes any work home, preferring to leave her work
    worries at the office. She is a bit carefree and not as ambitious
    as some of the other women in her office. Instead, Jolene likes

to have a lot of leisure time whenever possible. She is also
easygoing and doesn’t lose her temper often, preferring to avoid
conflict. Which of the following statements about Jolene is most
likely TRUE?
a. She is a Type A personality.
b. She is a Type B personality.
c. She is a Type C personality.
d. Jolene’s risk of coronary heart disease is high.

  1. Azriel seems to thrive on stress and feels very much in control of
    his life. He would probably be labeled a __ personality.
    a. Type A c. Type C
    b. Type B d. hardy

  2. Huong has moved from China to the United States. While she
    dresses and acts like her American friends, she still has retained
    much of her cultural heritage and attends traditional Chinese dance
    classes on the weekends. This is an example of
    a. assimilation. c. separation.
    b. integration. d. marginalization.

  3. Gary is having trouble with psychology and statistics. He goes to
    the school’s academic help center for tutoring and spends extra
    time working on problems at home. Gary’s method of coping is
    a. problem focused. c. defensive focused.
    b. emotion focused. d. internal.

  4. To alleviate her stress, Jenny often closes her eyes and envisions
    herself on a quiet beach during sunset. This vision often helps
    her relax, especially before talking in front of a crowd. Such an
    approach is known as
    a. relaxation. c. progressive muscle relaxation.
    b. concentrative meditation. d. visualization.

  5. Which of the following people may have the greatest ability to cope
    with stress?
    a. Mary, a very religious person who is involved in her community
    b. Carrie, who works hard but doesn’t have any apparent hobbies
    or other interests
    c. Jeri, who has few friends and whose family lives far away from her
    d. Larry, who is highly driven to succeed

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