
(Kiana) #1


13.9 Describe early attempts to use traits
to conceptualize personality.

13.10 Identify the five trait dimensions of
the five-factor model of personality.

13.11 Evaluate the strengths and
limitations of the trait view of

13.12 Explain how twin studies and
adoption studies are used in the field
of behavioral genetics.

13.13 Summarize current research on the
heritability of personality.

13.14 Identify the advantages and
disadvantages of using interviews,
behavioral assessments, and
personality inventories to measure

13.15 Identify the advantages and
disadvantages of using projective
personality tests.

13.16 Identify some biological bases of

Learning Objectives

13.1 Explain how the mind and
personality are structured, according
to Freud.

13.2 Distinguish among the five
psychosexual stages of personality

13.3 Describe how the neo-Freudians
modified Freud’s theory.

13.4 Evaluate the influence of Freudian
theory on modern personality

13.5 Compare and contrast the learning
theories of Bandura and Rotter.

13.6 Evaluate the strengths and
limitations of the behavioral and
social cognitive learning views of

13.7 Describe how humanists such as Carl
Rogers explain personality.

13.8 Evaluate the strengths and
limitations of the humanistic view of

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