
(Kiana) #1


Figure A.3 The Normal Curve
The normal curve, also known as the bell curve
because of its unique shape, is often the way in
which certain characteristics such as intelligence
or weight are represented in the population. The
highest point on the curve typically represents the
average score in any distribution.

off below four glasses and above eight glasses a day (variability). Our frequency poly-
gon has a high point, and the frequency decreases on both sides.
A common frequency distribution of this type is called the normal curve. It has a
very specific shape and is sometimes called the bell curve. Look at Figure A.3. This curve
is almost a perfect normal curve, and many things in life are not that perfect. The normal
curve is used as a model for many things that are measured, such as intelligence, height,
or weight, but even those measures only come close to a perfect distribution (provided
large numbers of people are measured). One of the reasons that the normal curve is so
useful is that it has very specific relationships to measures of central tendency and a mea-
surement of variability, known as the standard deviation.
normal in shape. Some distributions are described as skewed. This occurs when the dis-
tribution is not even on both sides of a central score with the highest frequency (like
in our example). Instead, the scores are concentrated toward one side of the distribu-
tion. For example, what if a study of people’s water-drinking habits in a different class
revealed that most people drank around seven to eight glasses of water daily, with no
one drinking more than eight? The frequency polygon shown in Figure A.4 reflects this
very different distribution.
In this case, scores are piled up in the high end, with most people drinking seven
or eight glasses of water a day. The graphs in Figure A.5 show a skewed distribution.
Skewed distributions are called positively or negatively skewed, depending on where
the scores are concentrated. A concentration in the high end would be called negatively
skewed. A concentration in the low end would be called positively skewed. The direc-
tion of the extended tail determines whether it is positively (tail to right) or negatively
(tail to left) skewed. Here’s an example. What do you think about the distribution of
heights of Hobbits (the little guys from The Lord of the Rings) and NBA basketball players
(who are usually tall)? Might not these frequency distributions of height in Figure A.5 be

negatively skewed
a distribution of scores in which scores
are concentrated in the high end
of the distriDution.

positively skewed
a distribution of scores in which scores
are concentrated in the low end of the

skewed distribution
frequency distribution in which most
of the scores fall to one side or the
other of the distribution.

Figure A.4 A Frequency Polygon
Skewed distributions are those in which the most frequent scores occur at one end or the other of the distribution, as represented by this frequency
polygon, in which most people are seen to drink at least seven to eight glasses of water each day.


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