
(Kiana) #1
Statistics in Psychology A-7

MODE The mode is another measure of central tendency,
in which the most frequent score is taken as the central
measure. In the numbers given in Table A.2, the mode
would be 100 because that number appears more times
in the distribution than any other. Three people have that
score. This is the simplest measure of central tendency
and is also more useful than the mean in some cases,
especially when there are two sets of frequently appear-
ing scores. For example, suppose a teacher notices that on
the last exam the scores fall into two groups, with about
15  students making a 95 and another 14 students making a

  1. The mean and the median would probably give a num-
    ber somewhere between those two scores—such as 80.
    That number tells the teacher a lot less about the distribu-
    tion of scores than the mode would because, in this case,
    the distribution is bimodal—there are two very different
    yet very frequent scores. (Refer to Figure A.6 for another

OF THE DISTRIBUTION When the distribution is normal
or close to it, the mean, median, and mode are the same
or very similar. There is no problem. When the distribu-
tion is not normal, then the situation requires a little more

SKEWED DISTRIBUTIONS If the distribution is skewed, then the mean is pulled in the
direction of the tail of the distribution. The mode is still the highest point, and the median
is between the two. Let’s look at an example. In Figure A.7 we have a distribution of
salaries at a company. A few people make a low wage, most make a mid-level wage, and
the bosses make a lot of money. This gives us a positively skewed distribution with the
measures of central tendency placed as in the figure. As mentioned earlier, with such a
distribution, the median would be the best measure of central tendency to report. If the
distribution were negatively skewed (tail to the left), the order of the measures of central
tendency would be reversed.

BIMODAL DISTRIBUTIONS If you have a bimodal distribution, then none of the measures
of central tendency will do you much good. You need to discover why you appear to
have two groups in your one distribution.

A.4 Identify the types of statistics used to examine variations in data.
Descriptive statistics can also determine how much the scores in a distribution differ,
or vary, from the central tendency of the data. These measures of variability are used
to discover how “spread out” the scores are from each other. The more the scores
cluster around the central scores, the smaller the measure of variability will be, and
the more widely the scores differ from the central scores, the larger this measurement
will be.
There are two ways that variability is measured. The simpler method is by calculat-
ing the range of the set of scores, or the difference between the highest score and the low-
est score in the set of scores. The range is somewhat limited as a measure of variability

Figure A.7 Positively Skewed Distribution
In a skewed distribution, the high scores on one end will cause the mean to be
pulled toward the tail of the distribution, making it a poor measure of central
tendency for this kind of distribution. For example, in this graph, many workers
make very little money (represented by the mode), while only a few workers
make a lot of money (the tail). The mean in this case would be much higher
than the mode because of those few high scores distorting the average. In this
case, the median is a much better measure of central tendency because it tends
to be unaffected by extremely high or extremely low scores such as those in
this distribution.


Typical workers

Highly paid bosses


Mode Mean

the most frequent score in a
distribution of scores.

measures of variability
measurement of the degree
of  differences within a distriDution or
how the scores are spread out.

the difference between the highest
and lowest scores in a distribution.

condition in which a distribution has
two modes.

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