
(Kiana) #1


  • Human factors is a type of I/O psychology in which the focus
    is on the way humans and machines interact with each other,
    designing or helping design the machines used by people in
    various science and industrial settings.
    B.8 Describe how the I/O field has evolved throughout
    its history.

  • The I/O field began in the twentieth century with the appli-
    cation of psychological principles to hiring, management, and

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Techniques
Used by Sports Psychologists

B.9 Identify techniques used by sports

  • Sports psychologists use many techniques to help athletes better
    their performances, including visualization, imagery, thought
    stopping, confidence training, relaxation training, and fostering
    team unity.

Test Yourself

Pick the best answer.

  1. Which of the following professionals has a medical degree?
    a. clinical psychologist
    b. psychiatrist
    c. psychiatric social worker
    d. counseling psychologist

  2. Elaine has always wanted to be a psychologist. She dreams
    of helping people with their problems and wants to become
    “Dr. Elaine.” However, she is not interested in conducting scientific
    research or in becoming a medical doctor. What type of degree
    would be best for Elaine to pursue?
    a. a master’s degree in psychology
    b. a Ph.D.
    c. a Psy.D.
    d. a master’s degree in social work

  3. Dr. Troxell conducts scientific studies on topics such as the
    power of prejudice, attitude change, aggressive behavior,
    and interpersonal attraction in teenagers. Dr. Troxell’s area
    of specialization is most likely in _____ psychology.
    a. social
    b. personality
    c. comparative
    d. developmental

  4. Dr. Cavendish is a _____ psychologist who conducts
    experiments using animals as her subjects. Her focus of study
    includes animal learning, memory, and even language.
    a. experimental
    b. comparative
    c. developmental
    d. social

  5. What type of psychologist would be most likely to put together an
    antibullying program for middle school students?
    a. experimental
    b. clinical
    c. forensic
    d. educational
    6. In working with a professional athlete, what aspects of performance
    might a sports psychologist likely focus on?
    a. strength and agility training
    b. focus and relaxation
    c. memory and motivation
    d. perceptual and problem solving
    7. Dr. Lewis studies the topic of crowding. She often wonders why
    people can feel crowded in an elevator that has 8–10 people in it
    but not at a large sporting event where more than 2,000 people are
    present. What is Dr. Lewis’s specialty?
    a. developmental
    b. physiological
    c. social
    d. environmental
    8. Which type of psychologist is most concerned with maximizing job
    satisfaction in night-shift employees?
    a. industrial/organizational
    b. clinical
    c. forensic
    d. environmental
    9. Suzanne is working to redesign the controls for a new type of plane
    so that pilots can tell the difference between instruments in the
    dark just by the way each control feels. Suzanne is probably a(n)
    a. industrial/organizational
    b. human factors
    c. experimental
    d. military
    10. Thought stopping, mental rehearsal, and focus training are some
    of the tools of the
    a. experimental
    b. clinical
    c. sports
    d. military

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