
(Kiana) #1


Biological preparedness, 186
Biological psychology, 12, 13, 46
Biological rhythms, 140–141
Biomedical therapies, 589, 615–622
defined, 589
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 619–621
emerging techniques, 621–622
psychopharmacology, 615–619
psychosurgery, 619–621
Biopsychological perspective, 13–14
Biopsychology, 13, B-6
Biopsychosocial model, 548
Bipolar cells, 100
Bipolar disorders, 551, 564–565
in DSM-5, 563
Bipolar I disorder, 564
Bipolar II disorder, 564
Birth order
personality and, 512
sexual orientation and, 411
Bisexual, 410, 411
Black widow spider venom, 51–52
Bleuler, Eugen, 572
Blind observers, 23
Blind spot (optic disc), 98, 101
Blood alcohol levels, 167
BLPD. See Borderline personality disorder (BLPD)
BMR. See Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Bobo doll experiment, 213–215
Body temperature, sleep and, 142
Borderline personality disorder (BLPD), 561, 577
Bottom-up processing, 129
Bouchard, Thomas, 526
Bower, David, 40
Bowlby, John, 592
Brain, 56, 67–71
aggression and, 491
altruism and, 494
cerebral hemispheres, 78, 82–84
cognitive exercises and, 305–306
computed tomography (CT) scans, 69
cortex (See Cortex)
deep brain stimulation (DBS), 68
development in infancy and childhood, 323
dreams and, 155–156
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB), 67
electroencephalograph (EEG), 70
emotion and, 374–376
functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI),  71
hindbrain, 73–75
hunger and, 368
keeping young, 344
lesioning studies of, 67
limbic system, 75–77
lobes of, 78–80 (See also individual lobes)
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, 69–70
magnetoencephalography (MEG), 71
mapping function, 70–71
mapping structure, 69–70
memory and, 75–76, 255–257
mental imagery and, 268–269
personality traits and, 537–538
PET scans (positron emission tomography), 71
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS), 68
sexual orientation and, 409
social neuroscience, 499–500
structures of, 75–84
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), 68
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 68
Brain activity, during sleep, 147
Brain imaging, 12
Brain lateralization, 78
Brainstorming, 276
Bray, Charles, 109

Breland, Keller and Marian, 202–203
Breuer, Josef, 591
Brightness, 97, 120–121
Brightness constancy, 121
Broadbent, Donald E., 230
Broca, Paul, 81
Broca’s aphasia, 81
Broca’s area, 78, 81
Brown, Paul K., 103
Brown-eyed/blue-eyed children (experiment),
Bulimia nervosa (bulimia), 371, 567–568
Buprenorphine, 168
Burnout, 444
Bush, George W., 462
Bystander effect, 13, 495–496

Caffeine, 165, 171
California Psychological Inventory, 532, 534
Calkins, Mary W., 6–7
Calloway, LaShanda, 495–496
meditation and, 450
social support and, 451
stress and, 436–437
Type C personality and, 441
Cannabinoids, 170
Cannon, Walter, 368, 379
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, 379–380, 384
Capacity, short-term memory, 231–232
Carbamazepine, 617
Carlsmith, James, 476–477
Case studies, 24
Castration anxiety, 510
Cataplexy, 151
Catastrophes, 423–424
Catatonia, 573
Catharsis, 610
puzzle box and, 188–189
toilet training, 216–218
Cattell, Raymond, 280, 522–523
Causation, correlation and, 27
CBT. See Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
Cellular-clock theory of aging, 346
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
166, 415
Central nervous system (CNS), 56–59
brain (See Brain)
damage to, 58–59
defined, 56
spinal cord, 57
stem cells, 58–59
Central-route processing, 475
Central tendency, measures of, A-2, A5–A7
bimodal distributions, A-5, A-7
mean, A-5–A-6
median, A-6
mode, A-7
shape of the distribution and, A-7
skewed distributions, A-4–A-5, A-7
Centration, 328–329
CER. See Conditioned emotional response (CER)
Cerebellum, 73–74, 75
memory and, 255
Cerebral cortex, 74, 76
dreams and, 155
emotions and, 375
Cerebral hemispheres, 78, 82–84
handedness, 84
split-brain research, 82–84
Cerebrum, 82

Character, 506
CHD. See Coronary heart disease (CHD)
Chemical senses, 111–114
olfaction, 114–115
taste, 112–114
Cheryan, Sapna, 19, 20
Cheryan study, A-10–A-11
Cheyenne tribe, view on death, 350
Child abuse, 492–493
personality disorders and, 578
Child-directed speech, 299
Children. See also Infancy and childhood
antidepressants and, 618
hassles and, 427
media and food and taste preferences, 372
PTSD and, 557
Chimp, insight learning in, 209–210
Chi-square, A-11–A-12
Chlamydia, 414, 415
Chlorpromazine, 615, 616
Chomsky, Noam, 298
Chorley, Doug, 40
Chromosome disorders, 316
Chromosomes, 314
Chronological age, 282
Chunking, 232
Cilia, 114, 115
Cingulate cortex, 76, 77
emotions and, 376
Cingulotomies, 621
Cingulum bundle, schizophrenia and, 575
CIPA. See Congenital insensitivity to pain with
anhidrosis (CIPA)
Circadian rhythms, 141
Clanging, 573
Clark, Kenneth and Mamie, 7
Class-bound values, psychotherapy and, 612
A Class Divided (Peters), 485
Classical conditioning, 150, 178–186
biological influences on, 186
compared to operant conditioning, 190
conditioned emotional response (CER), 184
conditioned response (CR), 179, 180, 181, 182
conditioned stimulus (CS), 179, 180, 181, 182,
183, 190
conditioned taste aversion, 185–186
elements of, 179
extinction, 181–182
higher-order conditioning, 183
insomnia and, 150
neural stimulus (NS), 179
Pavlov and the salivating dogs, 178–184
reinforcers, 189–190
spontaneous recovery, 181–182
stimulus discrimination, 181
stimulus generalization, 181
stimulus substitution, 183
therapies based on, 596–601
unconditioned response (UCR), 179, 180, 181, 184
unconditioned stimulus (UCS), 179, 180, 181, 182,
183, 184, 190
vicarious conditioning, 184, 474
why it works, 183–184
Classification, of psychological disorders, 548–551
Claustrophobia, 553
Climacteric, 343
Clinical psychologists, B-5, B-8
Clinical psychology, B-5–B-6
Closure, 122
Clozapine, 616
CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS)
Cocaine, 164, 171
Cochlea, 108
Cochlear implant, 110
Cocktail-party effect, 230

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