
(Kiana) #1


Cognition, 266–309
concepts, 269–271
creativity, 275–277
defined, 266
intelligence, 278–296
language, 298–303
mental exercises for better cognitive health,
mental imagery, 268–269
problem solving and decision making, 271–274,
stress and, 438–440
Cognitive arousal theory of emotion (two-factor
theory), 381, 384
Cognitive-behavioral interventions, 162
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), 599, 602
characteristics of, 602–603
elements of, 602–603
goals of, 603
Cognitive component, of attitudes, 473
Cognitive development
adolescence, 339–340
adulthood, 344
infancy and childhood development, 326–331
Piaget’s stages of, 327
Vygotsky’s theory of, 329–330
Cognitive differences, gender and, 402
Cognitive dissonance, 475–477
Cognitive explanations for dissociative disorders,
Cognitive factors
in anxiety, trauma, and stress disorders, 557–558
in stress, 438–440
Cognitive health, mental and physical exercises for,
Cognitive learning theory, 208–212
insight learning, 209–210
Kohler’s smart chimp, 209–210
latent learning, 208–209
learned helplessness, 210–212
Seligman’s depressed dogs, 210–212
Tolman’s maze-running rats, 208–209, 210
Cognitive-mediational theory of emotion,
382–384,  438
stress and, 438
Cognitive needs, 364
Cognitive neuroscience, 12–13
Cognitive perspective, 12, 184
on abnormality, 547
Cognitive psychologists, B-8
Cognitive psychology, 8, 10, 12
Cognitive therapies, 596–604
characteristics of, 604
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), 602–603
defined, 599
evaluation of, 603–604
rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), 603
Cognitive universalism, 301
Cohort effect, 312
Collagen, 347
Collective monologue, 300
Collective unconscious, 511
Collectivist cultures, 528
compliance and, 466
conformity and, 466
display rules and, 377
fundamental attribution error and, 480
needs and, 366
College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS), 425–427
Collins, Allan, 237
Color, 97
afterimage, 104–105
color vision, theories of, 102–103
opponent-process theory, 104–105
perception of, 102–105
trichromatic theory, 102–103

Color blindness, 105
Color-deficient vision, 105
Columbine High School shootings, 493
Commitment, 489
Common factors approach, 609–610
Common region, 122, 123
Common sense theory of emotion, 378, 384
Communicator, 474
Community psychology, B-9
Companionate love, 490
Comparative psychology, B-7
Compensation (substitution), 509, 512
Competence, 365
Complementary qualities, 488
Complex cells, 126
Compliance, 464–466
cults and, 466
cultural differences in, 466
defined, 464
door-in-the-face technique, 465
foot-in-the-door technique, 465, 466
lowball technique, 465–466
Computed tomography (CT), 69
Concentrative meditation, 450
Concept maps, PIA-13
Concepts, 269–271
Conceptual questions, PIA-12
Conclusions, drawing, 21
Concrete concepts, 329
Concrete operations stage of cognitive development,
327, 329
Concussions, 257, 288
Conditional positive regard, 519–520
Conditioned emotional response (CER), 184
Conditioned response (CR), 179, 180, 182
Conditioned stimulus (CS), 179, 180, 181, 182,
183,  191
Conditioned taste aversions, 185–186
Conditioning, 9
Conduction hearing impairment, 110
Cones, 100–101, 102–103
Confidence training, B-12
Confirmation bias, 21, 274–275
Conflict, 429–430
approach-approach, 429
approach-avoidance, 429–430
avoidance-avoidance, 429
double approach-avoidance, 430
multiple approach-avoidance, 430
Conformity, 460–462
Asch’s study on, 461
cults and, 470–471
defined, 460
groupthink, 462–463
Confounding variables, 29
Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
(CIPA), 118
Connectionism, 225
Conscience, 508
Conscientiousness, 523, 524, 527
Conscious, 508
Consciousness, 6, 136–175. See also Dreams; Sleep
altered states of, 138–140
in animals, 138
defined, 138
effect of drugs on, 163–171
hypnosis and, 158–159
supernatural visitations and, 172–173
waking, 138
Consciousness Explained (Dennett), 138
Conservation, 328–329
Consolidation, 256
Constructive processing of memories, 245–246
Consumer psychology, 464
Consumer Reports, 608
Consummate love, 490

Contact comfort, 333–334
Context, effect on memory retrieval, 240
Context-dependent learning, 240
Contiguity, 123
Contingency contract, 600
Contingency-management therapy, 162
Continuity, 122
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
device,  151
Continuous reinforcement, 193
Contralateral organization, 78
Control, 20–22
Control group, 30
Conventional morality, 340
Convergence, 125
Convergent thinking, 275–276
Cooing, 300
Coping, 448–453
culture and, 452
emotion-focused, 449–450
meditation and relaxation, 450
problem-focused, 449
religion and, 452–453
social-support system and, 451–452
strategies, 449–450
Cornea, 98, 99
Coronary heart disease (CHD), 435
hostility and, 441
personality type and, 440–441
stress and, 435–436
Corpus callosum, 74, 78
Correlation coefficient, 26–27, A-12–A-13
Correlations, 26–28
Cortex, 77–80
adrenal, 66
association, 78, 80
association areas of, 80–81
cerebral, 74, 155, 375
cerebral hemispheres, 78, 82–84
cingulate, 76, 77, 376
frontal lobes, 76, 79–80, 255, 375, 499
gustatory, 113
motor, 78, 80
occipital lobes, 78–79, 80, 269
parietal lobes, 78–79, 80, 269
primary auditory, 79
primary visual, 78
somatosensory, 78, 79, 80
structures under, 75–77
temporal lobes, 78, 79, 255–256, 269
wrinkling of, 77
Corticoids, 66
Cortisol, 66
Costa, Paul, 524, 533
Counseling psychology, B-6
Counterconditioning, 10
Countertransference, 591, 593
Course, of disorder, 544
Courtesy bias, 25
Couvade syndrome, 396
CPAP. See Continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) device
CR. See Conditioned response (CR)
Creative intelligence, 280
Creative people, characteristics of, 277
Creativity, 275–277, 427
Critical periods, 320
Critical thinking, 38–40
avoiding stereotyping and, 475
cognitive therapy and, 602–603
criteria for, 39–40
defined, 38
Crop circles, 39–40
Cross-cultural research, 13
Cross-cultural views on death, 349–350
Cross-sectional design, 312, 313

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