
(Kiana) #1


Cross-sequential design, 312, 313
Crossword puzzles, 344
CS. See Conditioned stimulus (CS)
CT. See Computed tomography (CT)
Cult, defined, 470
Cult behavior, 470–471
Cultural bias, IQ tests and, 286–287
Cultural concerns in psychotherapy, 610–612
Cultural explanations or perceived cause, 548
Cultural idioms of distress, 548
Culturally fair tests, 286
Cultural personality, 528–529
Cultural psychology, 13
Cultural relativity, 547
Cultural syndromes, 548
Culture. See also Collectivist cultures; Individualistic
abnormality and, 547–548
AIDS and, 416
anxiety disorders and, 558
attachment and, 333
Big Five trait dimensions and, 524, 525
compliance and, 466
conformity and, 461
coping and, 452
cross-cultural views on death, 349–350
depression and, 558
display rules and, 377
dissociative disorders and, 561
in DSM-5, 548
dream content and, 156
eating disorders and, 568
fundamental attribution error and, 479–480
gender and, 395–396
hunger and eating habits and, 371
implicit personality theories and, 478
perception and, 128–129
prototypes and, 270
schizophrenia and, 574
self-actualization and, 365
sexual dysfunction and, 410
social loafing and, 464
social networking and, 489
stress and, 444–445
subjective emotion and, 378
variation in anxiety, trauma, and stress
disorders,  558
Culture-bound syndromes, 548
Culture-bound values, psychotherapy and, 612
Cultural syndromes, 548
Cultural idioms of distress, 548
Cultural explanations or perceived cause, 548
Curare, 51
CUSS. See College Undergraduate Stress
Scale (CUSS)
Cybertherapy, 608
Cystic fibrosis, 315

DA. See Dopamine (DA)
Daniel, Robert Prentiss, 7
Dani tribe, 301
Dark adaptation, 101
Darley, John, 13, 495
Darwin, Charles, 6, 14, 377, 380
Data, variations in, A6–A9
Day care, influence on attachment, 333
DBS. See Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
Death, cross-cultural views on, 349–350
Death and dying, stages of, 347–348
Debriefing, 36
Decay, 253
Deci, Edward, 365
Decibels, 107
Decision making. See also Problem solving

creativity and, 275–277
problem solving and, 271
problems with, 274–275
Declarative (explicit) memory, 234, 235–237
Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 68, 622
Deep sleep, 146–147
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 434
Deindividuation, 464
Delayed ejaculation, 570
Delta waves, 145, 146
Delusions, 572
of grandeur, 572
of influence, 572
of persecution, 572
of reference, 572
Dementia, 71
Dendrites, 46
Denial, 509
death and dying and, 347
Denied past, 594
Dennett, Daniel, 138
Dependent variable, 29
Depersonalization/derealization disorder, 562
Depressants, 163, 166–168, 171
Depression, 551
androgyny and, 401
cingulotomy for, 621
cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 603, 618
death and dying and, 347
electroconvulsive therapy for, 619
interpersonal psychotherapy for, 592
learned helplessness and, 210–212
major depressive disorder, 563–564
optimists and, 442–443
stress and, 442–443
Depressive disorders, 551
in DSM-5, 563
Depth perception, 123–125
infants and, 325–326
Descartes, René, 5
Description, 19, 20
Descriptive methods, 23–26
case studies, 24
laboratory observation, 23–24
naturalistic observation, 23
surveys, 24–26
Descriptive statistics, A-2–A-9
Desensitization, systematic, 597
Desipramine (Norpramin, Pertofrane), 616, 618
Desire (motivation), observational learning
and, 215
Despair, dealing with mortality, 346
Developmentally delayed, 288
Developmental psychologists, B-8
Developmental psychology, B-6
Developmental research designs, 313
comparison of, 313
Developmental stage, hassles and, 426
Deviation IQ scores, 284
Devil’s trident, 129
DeYoung, Colin, 538
DHEA. See Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Diabetes, 66, 436
Diagnosis, of psychological disorders, 548–551
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fifth Edition (DSM-5), 85, 368
anxiety disorders, 551
bipolar and related disorders, 563
changes from DSM-IV, 551
classification and diagnosis of psychological
disorders and, 548–550
cultural syndromes, 549
depressive disorders, 563
mood disorders, 563
obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,
553,  555

personality disorders, 524, 577
sexual dysfunction, 570
trauma- and stressor=related disorders, 553, 555
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders
(DSM), 289, 549
Diazepam (Valium), 54
Dichromatic vision, 105
DID. See Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Diet, memory and, 260–261
Difference threshold, 94
Difficult temperament, 332
Diffusion, 48
Diffusion of responsibility, 13, 495–496
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 69, 575
Digestion, 61–62
Digit-span test, 231–232
Direct contact, attitude formation and, 473
Direct instruction, attitude formation and, 473
Directive approach, 591
Direct observation, 532
defined, 483
prejudice and, 482–484
stimulus, 181
types of, 483
Discriminative stimulus, 200
Diseases of adaptation, 432
Disorganized-disoriented attachment, 332
Displaced aggression, 428
Displacement, 509
Display rules, 377
Dispositional cause of behavior, 479
Dissociation, hypnosis and, 159–160
Dissociative amnesia, 560
Dissociative disorders, 560–562
causes of, 561–562
dissociative amnesia and fugue, 560
dissociative identity disorder (DID), 560–561
types of, 560–561
Dissociative fugue, 560
Dissociative identity disorder (DID), 560–561
Distraction desensitization, B-12
Distress, 422
Distributed practice, 252
Disuse, 253–254
Divergent thinking, 276
Dizygotic twins, 318, 574–575
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 314–315
Dogs, classical conditioning of, 178–181
Domhoff, William, 156
Dominant genes, 315–316
Door-in-the-face technique, 465
Dopamine (DA), 52, 53, 162, 306
antipsychotic drugs and, 615–616
mood disorders and, 565
reuptake of, 53
schizophrenia and, 574
Dot problem, 274, 276
Double approach-avoidance conflict, 430
Double-blind study, 32
Dove, Adrian, 286
Dove Counterbalance General Intelligence Tests
(Chitling Test), 286
Down syndrome, 289, 316
Doxepin (Sinequan, Adapin), 618
Drafts, paper, PIA-17, PIA-18
Dream interpretation, 154–155, 513, 591
Dreams, 154–157
activation-information-mode model of, 156
activation-synthesis hypothesis of, 155–156
content of, 156–157
Freud and, 154–155
latent content of, 154
manifest content of, 154
REM sleep and, 147
as wish fulfillment, 154–155

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