
(Kiana) #1


Drive, 357
Drive-reduction theory, 357–358
Drugs. See also Psychoactive drugs
reuptake and, 53–54
Drug tolerance, 161
DSM. See under Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM)
DTI. See Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
Dweck, Carol, 359–360

Easy temperament, 331
Eat-drink-and-rest system, 62
Eating disorders, 372, 567–558
anorexia nervosa, 371, 567, 622
binge-eating disorder, 371, 568
bulimia nervosa, 368, 567–568
causes of, 568–569
culture and, 568
treatmrnt of, 569–570
Eating habits, 371
Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 252
EBT. See Evidence-based treatment (EBT)
Echoic sensory memory, 229–230
Eclectic perspective, 15
Eclectic techniques, 588
Ecological validity, 284
ECT. See Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Education, overcoming prejudice and, 486–487
Educational psychology, 7, B-7
EEG. See Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Effective Study (Robinson), PIA-8
Efferent (motor) neurons, 57
Ego, 508, 510–511
Egocentrism, 327–328
Ego integrity, 346
Eidetic imagery, 229
Einstein, Albert, 97, 520
Elaboration likelihood model, 475
Elderly, hassles and, 427
Electra complex, 510
Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB), 67
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 68, 257, 619–620
retrograde amnesia and, 257
Electroencephalogram (EEG), 70, 145, 147, 205
Electroencephalograph, 70, 205, 375
Electrostatic pressure, 48
Elliot, Jane, 484–485
Ellis, Albert, 603
Embryo, 320, 393–394
Embryonic period, 320
EMDR. See Eye-movement desensitization and
reprocessing (EMDR)
Emerging adulthood, 342
Emotion, 373–387
behavior of, 376–377
Cannon-Bard theory of, 379–380, 384
cognitive arousal theory (Schachter/Singer),
381,  384
cognitive-mediational theory, 382–384, 384
common sense theory of, 378, 379, 384
comparison of theories of, 384
defined, 373
display rules, 377
elements of, 373–378
emotional expression, 376–377
facial expressions, 376–377
facial feedback hypothesis, 380–381
facial feedback theory, 380–381, 384
James-Lange theory of, 379, 384
labeling, 378
physiology of, 374–376
range of, 563
theories of, 378–384
Emotional expression, 376–377

Emotional intelligence, 292–293
Emotion-focused coping, 449–450
Empathy, 292–293, 527, 593
Encoding, 224
automatic, 244–245
Encoding failure, 253, 254
Encoding specificity, 240
Endocrine glands, 63–66
Endogenous morphine, 53
Endorphins, 52, 53, 117
End-stopped neurons, 132
The Enigma (Levant), 128
gender and, 398
sexual orientation and, 410–412
Environmental psychology, B-9
Environmental stressors, 423–427
catastrophes, 423–424
College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS),
hassles, 426–427
major life changes, 424–426
psychological, 427–430
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), 424,
425, 426
Enzymatic degradation, 54
Epilepsy, 82
Epi-marks, 411
Epinephrine, 66, 382
Episodic memory, 236
Equal status contact, 486–487
Erectile disorder, 570, 571
Ergot, 169
Erikson, Erik, 8, 334–335, 340–341, 344, 345–346,
365,  512
Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, 335
Erogenous zones, 509–510
ERPs. See Event-related potentials (ERPs)
ESB. See Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB)
Escape, 429
Esteem needs, 364
Estrogens, 394
Milgram’s shock experiment and, 468
of psychological research, 35–37
helping behavior and, 497
psychotherapy and, 611
social networking and, 488
Ethnicity and Health in America Series, 7
Etiology, 544
Eustress, 422–423
Event-related potentials (ERPs), 70, 95
Evidence, evaluating, 39
Evidence-based treatment (EBT), 610
Evolutionary perspective, 14–15
Evolutionary psychologists, 14
Evolutionary psychology, 7, 14
Evolutionary purpose of homosexuality, 408–409
Exams, studying for, PIA-11–PIA-14
applied questions, PIA-12
concept maps, PIA-13
conceptual questions, PIA-12
cramming, PIA-11–PIA-14
factual questions, PIA-12
memorizing facts, PIA-12
old tests, review of, PIA-13
physical needs, taking care of, PIA-14
resources, making use of, PIA-13
SQ3R (reading method), PIA-13
test time, using wisely, PIA-14
Excitatory synapses, 51
Excitement phase, 404, 405
cognitive health and, 305–306
immune system and, 443

insomnia and, 150
memory and, 260–261
Exhaustion stage, 432, 433
Exorcism, 544
Expectancies, 516–517
Experimental group, 30
Experimental psychology, B-6
Experimenter effect, 31–32
Experiments, 28–32
Expertise, 39
Explanation, 19, 20, 21
Explanatory style, 442–443
Explicit memory, 235–236, 259
Exposure therapy, 598
virtual reality and, 623
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
(Darwin), 380
External frustration, 428
Extinction, 181–182, 200, 600
Extrapyramidal symptoms, 615
Extraversion, 523, 524, 527, 533, 538
Extraverts, 524
Extrinsic motivation, 356
function of, 101–102
light and, 97–101
REM sleep (See under REM (rapid eye
structure of, 98–101
Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing
(EMDR), 598
Eyewitness recognition, 243, 244
Eysenck, Hans, 607, 608
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, 532, 534

Facebook, 488–489
Facial expressions, emotion and, 374, 375, 376–377
Facial feedback hypothesis, 380–381
Facial feedback theory, 380, 384
Factor analysis, 522
Factual questions, PIA-12
False-memory syndrome, 246–247
False positives, 243
Family counseling/family therapy, 605–606
Family studies on schizophrenia, 574
Farsightedness, 99
FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
FASD. See Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Fear, 377, 378
biological preparedness for, 186
Fear hierarchy, 598
Feature detectors, 126
Fechner, Gustav, 5, 95
Female gender stereotypes, 400
Female orgasmic disorder, 570
Female primary sex characteristics, 392
Female secondary sex characteristics, 392–393
Female sexual interest/arousal disorder, 570
Female sexual-response cycle, 404–405
Feminine cultures, 529
Fertilization, 318–319
Festinger, Leo, 476
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), 320
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 289, 320
Fetal development, hormonal exposure during, 397
Fetal period, 320
Fetus, 320
Fever, stress and, 437
Fight-or-flight system, 60–61, 211, 379, 432
Figure-ground relationships, 121
Finding Meaning in Dreams (Domhoff), 156
Five-factor model, 523–524
Fixation, 509, 510
Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, 194–195

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