
(Kiana) #1


Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, 195, 196
Flashbulb memories, 244–245
Flat affect, 573
Flooding, 598
Fluid intelligence, 306
Fluoxetine (Prozac), 618
Flynn effect, 295
fMRI. See Functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI)
Focus training, B-12
Food, children’s preferences, 372
Foot-in-the-door technique, 465, 466
Forensic psychology, B1, B-9
Forgetting, 251–255
curve of, 252–253
distributed practice, 252
encoding failure, 253
interference theory, 254
memory trace decay, 253–254
reasons for, 253–254
Forgetting curve, 252–253
Formal concepts, 270
Formal operations stage of cognitive development,
327, 329
adolescence and, 339–340
Fossey, Diane, 23
Fovea, 98, 100
Fragile X syndrome, 289
Framingham Heart Study, 441
Free association, 591
Free-floating anxiety, 553
Freeman, Joan, 290
Freeman, Walter, 621
Free nerve endings, in skin, 116
Free-radical theory of aging, 347
Free will, 12
Freewriting, 276
Freidman, Meyer, 440
Frequency, 107, 109
Frequency count, 532
Frequency distributions, A-2–A-4
Frequency theory, 109
Freud, Anna, 8, 509, 512
Freud, Sigmund, 364, 491
on aggression, 491
case studies and, 24
criticism of, 513
dreams and, 154–155, 513
on personality, 506–509
on phobia, 9
psychoanalysis, 8–9, 590–592
psychodynamic perspective and, 12, 506–513,
512–514, 547
Frontal cortex, mental images and, 269
Frontal lobes, 78, 79–80
aggression and, 491
emotions and, 375
memory and, 255
Frontal operculum, 113
Frustration, 428–429
Frustration-aggression hypothesis, 428, 490
F-test, A-11
Fugue, 560
Fully functioning person, 519
Functional fixedness, 274
Functionalism, 6–7
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 12,
68, 70, 71, 75, 95, 269, 365, 398, 499, 562
Fundamental attribution error, 479–481

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 52, 54
alcohol and, 167
schizophrenia and, 574
Gage, Phineas, 24, 79, 85–86

Gall, Franz Joseph, 537
Gambon, John, B-1, B-2, B-9
Gandhi, Mahatma, 520
Ganglion cells, 100
Gardner, Howard, 279–280
GAS. See General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Gate-control theory of pain, 117–118
Gazzaniga, Michael, 83
Gender, 395–402. See also under Female; Male; Men;
alcohol effects and, 166
antisocial personality disorder and, 577
basal metabolic rate and, 369
biological influences, 397–398
borderline personality disorder and, 577
conformity and, 460–462
culture and, 399
culture and eating habits and, 371
defined, 395
depression and, 563
display rules and, 377
dream content and, 156
environmental influences, 398
gender roles and identity, 395–399
helping behavior and, 497
morality and, 340
pain perception and, 118
psychotherapy and, 610–612
PTSD and, 558
sexual behavior and, 407
sexual response and, 405
sleep disorders and, 146
social networking and, 489
stereotype threat and, 486
Gender differences, 402
cognitive, 402
social/personality, 402
Gender dysphoria, 395
Gender identity, 395–399
Gender reassignment surgery, 394
Gender role, 395
Gender role development, 399–402
androgyny, 401–402
gender schema theory, 400
gender stereotyping, 400
social learning theory, 399–400
Gender schema theory, 400
Gender stereotyping, 400
Gender typing, 395
General adaptation syndrome (GAS), 432–433
Generalization, 200–201
Generalized anxiety disorder, 554–555
Generativity, 345
Genes, 314–315
dominant, 315–316
recessive, 315–316
Genetic disorders, 315–316
Genetics, 314–316
aggression and, 492
anxiety, trauma, and stress disorders and, 558
behavioral, 313, 526–528
defined, 314
mood disorders and, 565–566
obesity and, 371
personality disorders and, 526–528, 574–575
schizophrenia and, 574–575
sexual orientation and, 410–412
temperament and, 331
Genital herpes, 414
Genital stage, 511
Genital warts, 414
Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, 570
Genovese, Catherine “Kitty,” 495, 496, 497
Germinal period, 319
Gestalt principles of grouping, 121–123
Gestalt psychology, 7–8

Gestalt therapy, 8, 594, 604
characteristics of, 604
evaluation of, 594
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
(Allen), 386
Getting Things Done (GTD) method, 386–387
g factor (general intelligence), 278
Gibson, Eleanor, 325–326
Gifted, defined, 290
Gifted Children Grown Up (Freeman), 290
Giftedness, 290
Gilligan, Carol, 340
Glial cells, 47–48
Glucagon, 66, 368
Glutamate, 52, 113, 616
Goleman, Dan, 292
Gonads, 64, 66, 394
Gonorrhea, 414
Google, B10
Grammar, 298
Grandiose delusions, 572
Grasping reflex, 323
Gray matter, 69
Gregory, Richard, 127
Group behavior, 462–464
deindividuation, 464
group polarization, 463
social facilitation, 463–464
social impairment, 458
social loafing, 463–464
Group polarization, 463
Groups, 29–30
control, 30
experimental, 30
Group therapies, 605–607
advantages of, 606–607
disadvantages of, 606–607
evaluation of, 606–607
family counseling, 605–606
self-help groups, 606
types of, 605–606
Groupthink, 462
characteristics of, 463
hazards of, 462–463
Growth hormone, 64
sleep and, 146
Growth spurt, 339
Gustation, 112–114
defined, 112
Guthrie, Robert V., 7

Habits, 515
Habituation, 96, 322
Hair cells, 109
Hall, Calvin, 156
Hallucinations, 146, 168, 573
hypnogogic, 146, 172
hypnopompic, 172
in schizophrenia, 573
Hallucinogens, 163, 168–171
Halo effect, 534
Hamer, Dean, 411
Hammer (malleus), 108
Handedness, 84
Happiness, cultural differences in, 378
Hardy personality, 442
Harlow, Harry, 333–334
Hashish, 170
Hassles, 426–427
Hassles scale, 426
Head injuries, 287–288
effects of aging on, 343
stress and, 432–445

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