
(Kiana) #1


evolutionary, 357
extrinsic, 356
humanistic approaches, 363–366
incentive approaches, 362–63
instinct approaches, 357
intrinsic, 356
observational learning and, 215
psychological needs, 359–360
self-determination theory (SDT), 365–366
time- and task-management systems and,
Motivational interviewing (MI), 593–594
Motor cortex, 78, 79, 80
Motor development, infancy and childhood
development, 323
Motor pathway, 59
MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
MS. See Multiple sclerosis (MS)
MSG. See Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Müller-Lyer illusion, 126–127
Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Version II
(MMPI-2), 532, 533
Multiple approach-avoidance conflict, 430
Multiple intelligences, 279–280
Multiple personality disorder. See Dissociative
identity disorder (DID)
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 47–48, 70
Multitaskers, 274
Multitasking, 139, 214, 275, PIA-6
Munsterberg, Hugo, B-11
Murray, Henry, 536
involuntary, 59–60
voluntary, 59, 60
Muscular cue, 124, 125
Myelin, 47
Myelin sheath, 47
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 532, 534
Myopia, 99

Naltrexone, 168
Narcolepsy, 151
Narcotics, 168
Narcotics Anonymous, 606
NASA, B-11
Nash, John, 573
National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
(NIAAA), 166
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 549, 589
National Institutes of Health, 151
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 563
National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 550
NationalSurvey of Sexual Health and Behavior
(NSSHB), 407
Native Americans
marginalization and, 445
panic disorder and, 558
transgendered individuals and, 396
views on death, 349–350
Natural concepts, 270
Natural experiments, 293
Naturalistic observation, 23
Natural killer (NK) cell, 436
Natural selection, 6, 14
defined, 312
nurture vs., 312–313
Nature/nurture controversy regarding intelligence,
Navajo culture, view on death, 350
NDRIs. See Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake
inhibitors (NDRIs)
NE. See Norepinephrine (NE)
Nearsightedness, 99

Necker, Louis Albert, 121
Necker cube, 121
Need for achievement (nAch), 359
Need for affiliation (nAff), 359
Need for power (nPow), 359
defined, 357
hierarchy of, 363–365
psychological, 359–360
Negatively skewed distribution, A-4
Negative reinforcement, 162, 163, 191–192, 197
punishment by removal vs., 197
Negative symptoms, of schizophrenia, 573
Nelson, Katherine, 259
Neo-Freudians, 511–512
Adler, 511–512
Erikson (See Erikson, Erik)
Horney, 512
Jung, 8, 511, 524
NEO-PI. See Neuroticism/Extraversion/Openness
Personality Inventory (NEO-PI)
Nerve hearing impairment, 110
Nerves, 48
Nervous system. See also Central nervous system
(CNS); Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
defined, 46
neural impulse, 48–50
neurons, 46–48
neurotransmitters, 50–54
overview of, 55–62
reuptake and enzymes, 53–54
synapse, 51–52
Neural activity, memory formation and, 255–256
Neural impulse, 47–49
action potential, 49
Neuroenhancers, 87
Neurofeedback, 205
Neuroleptics, 615
afferent (sensory), 57
efferent (motor), 57
end-stopped, 126, 132
inter-, 57
mirror, 79, 215
structure of, 46–48
Neuropeptides, 52
Neuroplasticity, 58
Neuropsychology, B-6–B-7
head injuries and, 287–288
intelligence testing and, 287
Neuroscience, 13, 46
of memory, 255–259
Neuroticism, 441, 523, 524, 527, 538
Neuroticism/Extraversion/Openness Personality
Inventory (NEO-PI), 532, 533
Neurotic personalities, 512
Neurotransmitters, 50–53
Neutral stimulus (NS), 179
The New York Times, 495
NIAAA. See National Institute on Alcoholism and
Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA)
Nicotine, 164–165, 171
Night blindness, 101
Nightmares, 148–149
Night terrors, 149, 151
NK. See Natural killer (NK) cell
Nondeclarative (implicit) memory, 234–235
Nondirective therapy, 593
Non-REM (NREM) sleep, 145, 147–148
Nonverbal communication, psychotherapy and, 612
Noradrenaline. See Norepinephrine (NE)
Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors
(NDRIs), 618
Norepinephrine (NE), 52
exercise and, 306
memory formation and, 261

mood disorders and, 565
stress and, 432
Normal curve, 284, A-3–A-4, A-9
Normative social influence, 462, 463
Norms, 284–286
Nose, 114, 115
Note taking, PIA-9
during lecture, PIA-10
while reading text, PIA-8
while writing papers, PIA-17
NRIs. See Selective norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors (NRIs)
NS. See Neural stimulus (NS)
N1 sleep, 146, 151, 172
N2 sleep, 146
N3 sleep, 146, 149
defined, 312–313
issue regarding intelligence, 293–296
nature vs., 312–313

Obama, Barack, 245
Obedience, 465, 466–468
defined, 466
Milgram’s shock experiment, 461–463
Obesity, 371–372
defined, 372
Objective introspection, 5
Objectivity, 5
Object permanence, 327
Observable behavior, 9
Observational learning, 213–211
attention, 215
attitude formation and, 467
Bandura and the Bobo doll, 213–215
defined, 213
desire (motivation), 215
elements of, 215
imitation, 215
learning/performance distinction, 213–214
memory, 215
Observer bias, 23, 534
Observer effect, 23, 534
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 555–556,
599,  600
in DSM-5, 553, 555
Occipital lobes, 78–79
mental images and, 269
OCD. See Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Odbert, H. S., 522
Odontophobia, 553
Oedipus complex, 510
Olfaction (olfactory sense), 78, 114–115
Olfactory bulb, 58, 76, 114, 115
Olfactory receptor cells, 114, 115
Oligodendrocytes, 47
One-word speech, 300
Online networking, social nature of, 489
On the Witness Stand (Munsterberg), B-11
Openness, 523, 524, 538
Operant conditioning, 12, 188–204
antecedent stimuli, 189
behavior modification and, 203–205
biological constraints, 202–203
compared to classical conditioning, 191
defined, 188
effect of consequences on behavior, 189
extinction, 200
generalization, 200–201
instinctive drift, 203
law of effect, 188–189
modeling, 599–600
punishment, 196–199
reinforcement, 189–192

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