
(Kiana) #1


Physical sexual problems, 570–571
Physical side of human sexuality, 392–394
Physiological components of hunger, 368–370
Physiological factors, stress and health, 432–445
Physiological needs, 364
Physiological psychology, 13, B-6
Physiology of emotion, 374–376
Piaget, Jean, 300–301, 326, 329–330, 339–340, 478
Picasso, Pablo, 229
PID. See Pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID)
Pineal gland, 65–66
Pinel, Philippe, 588
Pinna, 108, 114
Pinterest, 488
Piriform cortex, 115
Pitch, 107, 109
Pituitary gland, 64–65, 74
PKU. See Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Placebo effect, 31–32
Placenta, 319
Place theory, 109
Plagiarism, PIA-18, PIA-19
Plateau phase, 404
Plato, 5
Pleasure principle, 508
PNS. See Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Polygenic inheritance, 315
Polygon, frequency, A-4, A-5
Pons, 74
dreams and, 155
Pontac, Ellen, 410
Population, 25
Positively skewed distribution, A-43, A-7
Positive psychology, 210, 520
Positive regard, 519–520
Positive reinforcement, 163, 191–192, 201, 204,
Positive symptoms, of schizophrenia, 573
Positron emission tomography (PET), 12, 71
Postconventional morality, 340
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 556–557
and DSM-5, 548, 549
emerging techniques and, 621–622
evidence-based treatment for, 610
eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing
for, 598
learned helplessness and, 212
virtual reality therapy for, 623–624
Poverty, stress and, 443
Power distance, culture and, 528–529
Power needs, 359
Practical intelligence, 280
Practicum, B-4
Pragmatics, 299
Presbyopia, 99
Preconventional morality, 340
Prediction, 19
Preferential looking, 322
Prefrontal cortex
emotions and, 376
memory and, 255
Prefrontal lobotomy, 620
Pregnancy, alcohol and, 166
defined, 482
discrimination and, 482–484
equal status contact, 487
how people learn, 484–487
in-groups, 484, 485
intergroup contact and, 487
“jigsaw classroom,” 487
out-groups, 484, 485
overcoming, 486–487
realistic conflict theory of, 484
scapegoating, 483–484
social cognitive theory and, 484

social identity theory of, 485
stereotype vulnerability, 485–486
types of, 483
Premarital sex, 406–407
Premature (early) ejaculation, 570, 571
Prenatal development, 318–321
chromosomes, 314–315
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 314–315
embryonic period, 320
fertilization, 318
fetal period, 320–321
genes, 314–315
genetic and chromosome problems, 315–316
germinal period, 319
twinning, 318
zygote, 318
Preoperational stage of cognitive development, 327
Pressure, 427
perception of, 116–117
Presynaptic terminals, 47
Preterm baby, 321
Price, George, 25
Primacy effect, 241, 242, 477
Primary appraisal, 438
Primary auditory cortex, 79
Primary drives, 357
Primary reinforcer, 190
Primary sex characteristics, 338, 392
Primary visual cortex, 78–79
Priming, 240, 434
The Princess Bride (film), 349
Principles of Psychology (James), 6
Prison guard experiment, 492
PRK. See Photoreactive keratectomy (PRK)
Proactive interference, 254
Problem-focused coping, 449
Problem solving, 271–275
algorithms, 272
confirmation bias, 274–275
creativity, 275–277
decision making and, 271
defined, 271
difficulties in, 274–275
functional fixedness, 274
heuristics, 272–273
insight, 273–274
mental sets, 274
trial and error (mechanical solutions), 271–272
Procedural memory, 235, 255
Procrastination, strategies to defeat, PIA-5
Prognosis, 544
Progressive muscle relaxation, 450
Projection, 509
Projective tests, 532, 535–536
Proprioceptors, 119
Prosocial behavior, 494–497
altruism, 494–495
bystander effect, 495–496
decision points in helping behavior, 496–497
diffusion of responsibility, 496
Prosser, Inez Beverly, 7
Prostate gland, 392
Protected setting, 610
Proteins, memory formation and, 256
Prototypes, 269–271
Proximity, 122, 487–488
Psychiatric social workers, 17, B-3
Psychiatrists, 17, B-3
Psychoactive drugs, 161–171
alcohol, 166–168
caffeine, 165
defined, 161
depressants, 166–168, 171
drug tolerance, 161
hallucinogens, 168–170, 171
LSD, 169

marijuana, 169–170
MDMA, 169
narcotics, 168
nicotine, 164–165
opiates, 168
PCP, 169
physical dependence, 161–163
psychological dependence, 163
stimulants, 163–165, 171
tranquilizers, 166
withdrawal, 161
Psychoanalysis, 7–10, 511, 590–591
evaluation of, 591–592
Psychobiology, 13
Psychodynamic perspective, 12, 506–514
on abnormality, 547
criticism of, 513–514
evaluation of, 591–592
Psychodynamic therapy, 591, 592
characteristics of, 604
Psychological aging, 346–347
Psychological defense mechanisms, 509
Psychological dependence, on drugs, 161, 163
Psychological disorders, 542–581
abnormality, defined, 544–546
abnormality, models of, 546–548
anxiety disorders, 553–558
biomedical therapy, 615–622
brief history of, 544
common, 550
defined, 546
diagnosing and classifying, 548–551
dissociative disorders, 560–562
eating disorders, 567–571
in DSM-5, 548–550
mood disorders, 563–566
occurrence in U.S., 551
personality disorders, 577–578
psychoanalysis, 590–592
psychotherapy, 586–624
schizophrenia, 572–576
therapy, 588–589
virtual reality therapies, 623–624
Psychological factors, in sexual dysfunction, 571
Psychological models of abnormality, 546–548
Psychological needs, 359–360
Psychological professionals, types of, B-3–B-4
Psychological research. See also Scientific method
conducting, 613–615
ethics of, 35–37
Psychological sexual problems, 571
Psychological side of human sexuality. See Gender
Psychological stressors, 427–430
conflict, 429–430
frustration, 428–429
pressure, 427
uncontrollability, 427
Psychological therapies, 586–624
behavior therapies, 596–601
biomedical therapies, 615–622
cognitive therapies, 601–605
cultural, ethnic and gender concerns in, 610–612
cybertherapy, 608
early days of, 588–589
effectiveness of, 607–612
group therapies, 605–607
humanistic therapy, 592–595
psychoanalysis, 590–592
virtual reality therapies, 623–624
Psychologists, 15, B-3–B-4
African-American roots, 7
applied, B-1–B-14
areas of specialization, B-5–B-7
biological, 46
as career, B-2–B-9

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