Russian Hajj. Empire and the Pilgrimage to Mecca - Eileen Kane

(John Hannent) #1
Acknowledgments 189

Roger Haydon at Cornell University Press for acquiring this book, and for
guiding me through the process with patience, excellent editorial advice, and
humor. I  could not have asked for a better editor. At Cornell I  also sincerely
thank Marian Rogers, who did a superb job copyediting the manuscript; Susan
Barnett, for helping prepare the copy; and Sara Ferguson, for cleaning up the
final manuscript.
Friendships have sustained me for the past decade as I  wrote this book.
I thank especially Deborah Cole, Jasmin Darznik, Pat Herlihy, Caroleen Sayej,
Kip Schubert, Chris Stansell, Duncan Watson, and Hannah Wilentz. I lucked
out when Shira Robinson moved in next door to me in Princeton in summer

  1. I’ve never had a better friend. She more than anyone else helped me finish
    this book, and I am forever grateful to her. Luck also brought about the reunion
    of my old writers group last spring by Skype. I thank Denver Brunsman, Bren-
    dan Kane, and Thierry Rigogne for reading drafts of my chapters, for great
    advice on how to finish a book, and for bringing a healthy sense of the absurd to
    the process.
    At Connecticut College, I thank Abby van Slyck, Joan Chrisler, Julie Rivkin,
    and Sarah Queen for their crucial support, encouragement, and good advice.
    I  thank David Canton for being a supportive department chair, and Nancy
    Lewandowski for her help putting together my tenure file. I also thank my col-
    league Sheetal Chhabria; this book is better for our extended discussions about
    migrations and global history. Special thanks to Emily Aylward, goddess of ILL
    at the college, whose help in getting sources was crucial to this project.
    During the past decade that I was researching and writing this book, I was
    also busy bearing, birthing, breastfeeding, and caring for my two daughters,
    Beatrice (age eight), and Mary (age three). I am so grateful to be their mother.
    They make my life wonderful. There is no way I could have written this book
    without the help my husband and I received in caring for Bea and Mary. I am
    grateful to the team of professionals in Princeton, Syracuse, and New London
    who cared for our daughters while we worked and studied. I thank Laura Hill,
    Mamie Rock, Bette Ziemba, Fahreta Alic, Amy Hernandez, Annette Fitch,
    Katie O’Connor, Beatrice DeMitte, Lisa Aldrich, Deborah Golub, Brenda Cou-
    ture, Lindsay Lilly, Leny McGarry, Jeffrey Stone, Tiffany Hubbard, Michelle
    Williams, Liz Thompson, Lori Hebert, Julie Pryke, Pam Chaplin, Mary Gern-
    hard, Chelsea Denham, Patricia McIlveen, Hilary Golembeski, Suzanne Mat-
    teson, Amanda Padua, Karen Littell, April Jacques, Lisa Gray, Wendi Packham,
    and Amy Bevan. My mother traveled with me across the United States and took
    care of Bea while I gave talks and attended conferences, and helped care for her

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