Russian Hajj. Empire and the Pilgrimage to Mecca - Eileen Kane

(John Hannent) #1

190 Acknowledgments

during my long research trips abroad. My in-laws, Vivian and Peter Barnett,
took care of Bea for a week so that I  could attend a conference in Japan, and
pitched in countless other times. My sister Maggie looked after five-month-old
Mary in my hotel room in Cambridge so that I could attend a splendid two-day
workshop, and helped me care for my children many other times. I  thank
them all.
I thank JC for the light and the love. I thank my sister Maggie and brother
Tut and their wonderful families. I miss my brother Matthew so much and wish
he were here to celebrate this book with me. I thank Alex Barnett for marrying
me, loving me, and supporting me in so many ways. My mother and father,
Regina S. Kane and William F. X. Kane, have loved and supported me always.
This book is for them.

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