
(Frankie) #1
how they are pronounced. Maybe I am the last person to finish
reading one issue in Australia, because first I read once without a
dictionary; then read it again underlining the words I can’t guess
the meaning of; and finally complete the story looking up the
mysterious words. Thank you, frankie – you are the best English
textbook for me. xx Chinatsu


My dearest frankie, My hair has always been a tool of rebellion.
As a young girl, I'd dye it any number of colours – blue, purple,
green with pink and blue streaks through it – and before that my
locks endured a tonne of daily hairspray to keep my all-important
'emo fringe' in place. It’s now been in a short pixie cut for four
years, and I've been debating whether to grow it to come across as
more 'feminine', but after reading Mia Timpano’s piece “Hair Today,
Gone Tomorrow” and all the femme bad-arsery that was associated
with short hair, and natural hair, and hair in general, I've decided
to keep my pixie permanently. Thanks for reminding me that the
way I look is up to me, and it can mean whatever I choose it to
mean.All my love, Izzy xx



Dear frankie, I was so happy to have you arrive in my
new letterbox in a new city last night. I’ve been back
in Australia a few months now after years away,
and the friends thing hasn’t happened yet. But,
as I walked my dog this morning, I noticed your
powder blue cover peeking out of a neighbour's
letterbox. It was a reminder that kindred spirits
are everywhere, if only we take the time to look.
The friends thing will happen – just give it time.
Love Caitlan xx

Dear frankie, Sophie Kalagas's interviews for “The Educators”
made my little teacher-in-training heart sing. I've wanted to
teach for as long as I can remember, but have often worried
I may not be taken seriously with my tattoos and coloured hair.
Brooke Summers eased my concern by showing me you can be
a bad-arse tattooed female while being a respected professional
in the often-PC world of teaching. Thanks for boosting my
confidence. Love, Jess x


Dear frankie, Holy wow, did “Right of Refusal” hit me right in the
feels. I related to this article so much that I’m motivated to do
something about my inability to say no to people. Thank you for
somehow knowing exactly what I need to hear issue after issue

  • it’s like you’re my personal self-help book that just keeps on
    giving. I wonder what I will learn about myself next? Lara xx

Dearest frankie, Never in my life have I seen anything as beautiful
as Katherine Sabbath’s pom pom cake in issue 82. I couldn’t resist
trying to bake it myself. However, I overestimated my baking skills
(considering I can hardly cook toast without burning it), and it
turned out a complete mess – a pile of colourful blobs covered in
coconut. Nevertheless, ‘twas delicious, and I’d like to thank you
for providing me with the false identity of being a ‘baker’ for an
afternoon. Lots of love, Ellen xo


Dear frankie, Since my boyfriend gave me a 12-month
subscription for Christmas, I've been reading your magazines
with a dictionary by my side. Why? Well, I am not a native
English speaker. I'm Japanese. frankie is full of beautiful
words that I didn't learn in school. They make me wonder
where they came from; how they got their meaning; and even

dear frankie



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