National Geographic Special - The World\'s Most Beautiful Places

(Darren Dugan) #1

Awestruck visitors stand at Mather Point,
one of the most popular viewing spots on
the vast rim of the Grand Canyon. They are
specks against North America’s greatest
natural spectacle—in places 18 miles (29 km)
across and 6,000 feet (1,800 m) deep. Their
allotted span is a moment against the six
million years the Colorado River has taken
to carve the canyon, an even briefer flicker
against the two billion years of geological
time layered in the ancient shale, sandstone,
and limestone of the canyon walls.

Sit at Toroweap Overlook and take in the view—the
immense curve of the canyon, the silvery thread of
the Colorado River 2,500 feet (760 m) below and
the array of lava, cinder cones, and other volcanic
features that make this lookout unique.

The dying rays of the sun light the walls of Wotan’s
Throne on the north rim of the Grand Canyon.



national park

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