National Geographic Special - The World\'s Most Beautiful Places

(Darren Dugan) #1

“Throw of the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe

harbor. Catch the trade

winds in your sails.



Discover.” Mark Twain

Nature’s fancy for the fantastical and fairy-tale is
given full rein in Guilin, in southern China, where
wind, water, and time have created one of the
world’s most spectacular karst landscapes, carv-
ing vast limestone towers, clifs, and pinnacles
from the mountains and pastoral hills that flank
the curves of the Li River.

To enjoy the best of the scenery, take one of the numerous
daylong Li River boat cruises from Guilin downstream to
the picturesque little town of Yangshuo.

A man rows on the Li River amid the spectacular limestone
scenery for which the region is celebrated.



here’s magic at the water’s edge. In water’s
solitary domain, in the immensity of the
oceans, its beauty is simple—the shifting mosaic
of current and color, the mirror it holds to the sky.
But something happens where land meets sea or
lake meets shore. Water is no longer alone. Now
it shapes another landscape, and new kinds of
beauty are born.
Sometimes, when the reflections of sun-
dappled moorland are caught in a Scottish loch,
such as Loch Katrine, or coral reefs thrive of
warm-watered shores as they do amid Australia’s
Great Barrier Reef, the encounter of land and
water is harmonious. At other times, it is shift-
ing and shapeless, the limits of land and water
blurred, as in the Amazon’s sweep through its
delta wetlands or the marshes and mangrove
swamps of Florida’s Everglades National Park.
Elsewhere, the meeting of land and water is
dramatic and sometimes violent. On Brazil’s
border with Argentina, the fury of the Iguaçu
waterfalls as they roar over an immense basalt
outcrop makes for one of the world’s most spec-
tacular sights. On the Na Pali coast of Hawaii
and Ireland’s western ramparts, the millennial
battle of sea and shore creates spectacular clifs
as the land surrenders to the crashing waves of
the sea’s advance. In Norway’s fjords, the battle

is over, won long ago by glacial ice, while on the
powder-soft Pacific beaches of Tahiti, nothing
could be farther from the fray than the lap of
azure water against white sand.
There is alchemy wherever land meets water.
The encounters are countless and varied. Many
are remarkable; few are without beauty.
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