National Geographic Special - The World\'s Most Beautiful Places

(Darren Dugan) #1




The gods have been kind to Zanzibar, an

exotic archipelago of numerous tiny islands

and two large ones—Pemba and Unguja—

just of the East African coast. They have

blessed it with a climate and soils that favor

the growing of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon,

and pepper—which is why the islands are

often known as the “Spice Islands.” On

many places around the coast, they have

been kinder still, creating long, palm-shaded

beaches of powdery white sand, teeming

coral reefs, and placid, warm turquoise seas.

Beaches are a must—one of the best is Kendwa,
which has great diving—but also be sure to join a
spice tour to see how spices are produced, and then
see them for sale in the market in Stone Town, the
historic heart of the islands’ capital.

A jetty leads out through Zanzibar’s clear, tranquil
waters, sparkling in the midday sun.

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