2020-02-10 Us Weekly

(Martin Jones) #1

When Hollywood heavy-

weights need a divorce, they
call Laura Wasser. The

in-demand attorney talks to Us

On Prenuptial
I don’t necessarily think
everyone should have a
prenup. What I think is
that everybody should
know the law that will
apply to them when
they’re married and if
their marriage ends. If you
know that law and you’re
OK with it, then you don’t
necessarily need a prenup.
People say, “Entering
into a contract about my
marriage is so unromantic,
so unsexy.” But you’re


ou may not know her name or even her
face, but you definitely know Laura
Wasser’s work. The family law attorney,
a partner at Wasser, Cooperman & Man-
dles who’s sometimes called the Disso
(not Disco) Queen — as in dissolution of mar-
riage — has represented some of the biggest stars
in their divorces and even inspired Laura Dern’s
character, Nora Fanshaw, in Noah Baumbach’s
Oscar-nominated film, Marriage Story. “The
biggest misconception about divorce attorneys
is that we try to stir the pot,” Wasser tells Us
exclusively. “Most of us really do want to try and
help people.” She shares more with Us, including
marriage advice for Harry and Meghan.

entering into a contract
every time you get mar-
ried, so you really need to
think about what the terms
of that contract are.

On the Craziest
Celeb Request Ever
Someone said, “If she
doesn’t lose the baby
weight in 12 months, and
we get divorced, I don’t
want to have to give her
what we agreed on in the
prenup.” [I said,] “First
of all, it would be unen-
forceable; second of all,


(^42) | FEBRUARY 10, 2020

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