Daily Mail - 03.03.2020

(John Hannent) #1
Page 58 Daily Mail, Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Landline calls cost 80p a minute, plus your phone company’s access charge.
From a mobile phone, dial 87177 (calls cost 65p/min for O2 network, 75p/min for
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oscar cainer

I was at a sparsely attended
gig recently. at the final song,
the band asked the audience
to join in. without the
anonymity of a crowd it
takes courage to sing along;
the band was sympathetic.
They said: ‘If you don’t want

to, you don’t have to. But if
you want to, you have to.’
It inspired a rousing finale.
Thanks to Mercury and
Venus, we’d all benefit from
gentle, well-intentioned peer
pressure helping us to act
on unspoken desires.


fred basset

chloe & co

odd streak

who cares
if someone
thinks you’re the villain of the piece?
what do they know? You’re strong. You’re
principled. and you’re not above ruffling a
few feathers to get the job done. You’re just
as likely to be found castigating unbelieving
friends as you are of celebrating the
support of previous opponents. Personal
rivalries are no match for your sense of
social justice. The time has come to choose
between popularity and a cause you believe
in. Fortunately, that’s not a choice at all.
The Equinox month brings celestial
creativity and real reasons for hope. To
take full advantage, call 0906 751 5601.

YOu’re finding
it hard to say
something that needs saying. Or, perhaps,
you’re struggling to do something that
needs to be done. You’re tempted to take the
easy option and put everything tricky off for
another day. Yet that would only make
matters worse; the situation will grow even
more complex. You’ll find there’s never an
ideal time when it comes to changing things
that are heading in the wrong direction
(especially when you feel partly responsible
for steering them that way). Yet, better
late than never. It’s March! For uplifting
news on how the month holds exciting
opportunities for you, call 0906 751 5602.

have a
contortionist’s knack for wriggling out of
tight spots. Expert in the art of vague
sincerity, they answer questions with
lengthy, polished answers that somehow
manage to say nothing at all. You find
yourself in a tricky position because you’ve
changed your mind about a decision. should
you keep quiet and hope things will resolve?
or should you bite the bullet and speak up?
It takes courage to go against the grain. Yet,
someone else might feel the same as you.
To hear valuable information about the
changes you can implement in March, call
your month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5603.

SureLY it’s
time for
things to start going your way? Why should a
pleasing development be so unimaginable?
You feel as if you’ve searched high and low, yet
not managed to spot anything encouraging
on your horizon. But, you haven’t stood
where I’m standing. either your binoculars

are fogged up, or you lost concentration
at the vital moment. either way, you can
rest assured that the movements of Mercury
and Venus indicate that an unexpectedly
inspiring development is almost here.
March brings the Equinox! For your light-
shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing
month-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5604.
MIrrors. loved
by the beautiful,
avoided by the superstitious and disliked
by the insecure. There’s a stark divide
between those who happily while away an
hour or so gazing at their reflection, and
those who can’t imagine anything worse.
In a funny way, it reminds me of how we
feel when we reflect on past decisions.
some people are full of regret, while
others convince themselves, no matter
how disastrous the result, that they did the
‘right’ thing. Don’t let vanity derail a project
today. This is the exciting Equinox month.
Take full advantage of the inspiration
March brings. Call 0906 751 5605.
ALT hOugh
we like to
think that we remember the past with
accuracy, the truth is that we only recollect
moments. Most of our daily experiences are
stored away on a memory stick so deep in
the back of our minds that it’s almost
inaccessible. The movement of your ruling
planet Mercury is reminding you of an
emotion you haven’t felt for a long time. It’s
allowing you to reconnect with an ability
you’d forgotten you had. Cling on to that
feeling. It holds a valuable clue to your
future. A new month! An action-packed
astrological picture. A forecast that could
transform your life! Call 0906 751 5606.

woulD you mind
closing your
eyes and imagining that something
delightful is happening to you? That the
cosmos is conspiring to give you what you
want and what you need. That all your
wishes are coming true and you’re fulfilling
your dreams. well... there are a few
annoying issues to deal with, too — but
they’re always around, aren’t they? now,
open your eyes and consider what’s actually
going on. If you stop focusing on the
negatives, you’ll see how good things really
are. For exciting news about the potential
delights in store for you this month, call
your March forecast: 0906 751 5607.
WhAT ’S the
point of
bothering to say something to someone
who doesn’t want to hear? Why waste your
energy? Why set your intentions in one
direction, when every one of your thoughts
and ideas is clearly telling you to go the
opposite way? Why would you bother
seeking advice that you have no intention
of heeding? The situation you’re facing is
so confusing that you’re bombarding
yourself with an avalanche of questions.
Whatever you do, don’t do what’s expected
of you today. Make your dreams come
true in March! Call your four-minute,
in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5608.
a team
of energy consultants working on a mission
to create the sun. ‘That’s totally absurd,’
you might think. ‘sticking a giant ball of
burning gas so far away in the solar system
seems like a totally ridiculous way to light
and warm our planet.’ You’re absolutely

right. and yet it has been the basis of life for
billions of years. since so much is changing
in your world, you’d be wise not to reject
any suggestions. a crazy, outlandish idea
might just pay off today. March is due
to be amazing! For four-minutes of
news that could transform your life,
pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5609.
Ad MeN
have a
variety of well-honed techniques they use to
promote their products. Simply by telling us
that something’s ‘new and improved’ is
enough to make us interested enough to
potentially make a purchase. So, what do our
guardian angels do when they want us to take
notice of something that could help us in our
lives? You’ve been overlooking a potential
solution because it looks very similar to a
previous idea. Yet it is ‘new and improved’
and absolutely right for you today. Even
if you don’t usually call your in-depth
phone forecast, there’s great news in your
March prediction. Call 0906 751 5610.
I haTE to
be the one
to expose a myth, but ostriches don’t bury
their heads in the sand because they think
that if they can’t see their predator, their
predator can’t see them. neither, for the
record, do carrots help you see in the dark.
our minds are full of pieces of information
which we never challenge. You’ve been
treating a misconception as a truth and it
has been affecting your behaviour in a key
relationship. If you reassess, you’ll find a
much better way of seeing the path to
a happier future. The Equinox month brings
potential for positive change. Make March
a month to remember. Call 0906 751 5611.
IF YOu find
yourself in a
signal-free zone, without a map to help
you find your way, you can’t just head off in
any direction thinking that you’ll end up in
the right place. The choices we make have
consequences, unintended or otherwise.
When making our way through life, we have a
duty to ourselves to consider the options that
open before us and make careful selections.
This is true for psychological destinations,
too. Your inner compass is working most
effectively right now. Make time to follow it
today. Welcome to March! Your powerful
prediction for the month is ready. For
inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5612.

taurus apr 21 - May 21

cancer June 23 - July 23

leo July 24 - aug 23

virgo aug 24 - sep 23

libra sep 24 - oct 23

scorpio oct 24 - nov 22

sagittarius nov 23 - Dec 21

capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

gemini May 22 - June 22

aries Mar 21 - apr 20


ex gr




Odd Streak ‘Striving for Quantity’ ebook, available for £3.99. email [email protected] to purchase.

Chloe & Co: has Anyone Seen My Love Life? by gray Joliffe is published by Amberley Publishing, priced £9.99 — reduced to £7.99 (20 per cent discount)
with free P&P. Order at http://www.mailshop.co.uk or call 01603 648155.

To order the Fred Basset Yearbook 2020, £7.19 (20 per cent off rrP £8.99) and diary, visit http://www.mailbookshop.co.uk or call 01603 648155. P&P free.
Free download pdf