058 Cycle Touring Philippines

(Leana) #1


It was hard to resist one more dive. Halfway to the dive shop, I got a ride with the
divemaster on his motorbike, to plenty of comments from the villagers. The dive boat
turned out one of the bangka boats, a novelty in itself. From the shore, a short ride
took us to White Island where sea life was abundant.

After the dive, I used an internet café as the connection was slightly better than the
slow and sporadic internet at my abode. As all my money was spent on diving, zip-
lines and pizzas, an ATM was again necessary. However, the bank was still offline and
one could simply hope it would be operational by morning.

Rumour had it a ferry ran from Camiguin to Bohol (the next island) instead of
Mindinao. Apparently, one daily ferry sailed at around 10h30 from the Port of Benoni to
Jagna, Bohol and the plan was to catch the ferry the next day.

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