Popular Mechanics USA - 03.2020 - 04.2020

(Sean Pound) #1


The Sling TSi is a four-person,
single-engine plane from
The Airplane Factory, com-
plete with glass cockpit and
gull wing doors. It’s modern,
easy to fly, and packed with as
many cool toys as you’re will-
ing to install (the more, the

Even at max takeoff weight,
with four adults and a load
of fuel, the Rotes 915 iS
can lift the plane into the
sky at 1,000 feet per min-
ute and cruise at 155 knots.
Computerization keeps the
engine running at maximum

A constant-speed propeller
adjusts the pitch angle of
the blades to maintain speed
regardless of engine rpm.
This allows the plane’s engine
to create different amounts
of thrust depending on what
stage of flight you’re in.

This glass touchscreen dis-
play provides many of the
same avionics features the
big boys have, including flight
charts, airport diagrams, a
moving GPS map, and all
manner of aircraft-specific
gauges like fuel, flaps, trim,
alerts, and engine statistics.

I’VE ALWAYS BEEN fascinated with
airplanes. I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria,
where there were barely any roads. The
main road out of our area wasn’t paved,
and during the rainy season it would
become f looded and muddy. When my
sisters and I walked along the f looded
road to school, I’d see airplanes f lying
above us. I’d be envious of whoever was
in the plane because we were down on
the ground, walking in mud.
My family moved to New York City
when I was about 12. At that time,
I never imagined I would be f lying
planes. None of my friends or family
members encouraged my obsession
with planes, and still when I f ly, I
don’t see many pilots who look like
me. When I was in my twenties, after
I met my wife and we moved to Cali-
fornia together, opportunity arose. I
read about this 15-year-old girl who
f lew herself across the country. I said
to myself: It’s now or never. That girl’s
story made me realize I had no more
excuses to give. I went up for the first
time the week of my 26th birthday, and
now I’m building my own airplane.
For most pilots, f lying on your own
is unattainable because it’s really
expensive. Even just getting your
pilot’s license costs a lot of money. But
that’s nothing compared to buying
your own plane. My dream plane—it’s
actually on my dream board, this col-
lage of aspirational images I keep in

Ojo chronicles
his build on
his YouTube


34 March/April 2020

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