Getaway May_2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1 95

Plan your trip

herbivores – their horns look like they’ve been
styled in a 1950s hair salon, and they always seem
bored to death with people staring at them.
One of the prominent features at Sábiè is the
black cotton soil, and yes, it’s good for growing
cotton, but not for vehicles in the rainy season
when it turns to sludge. I also observed that the
relatively recent history of this area still makes
itself ‘heard’ with cotton stalks dotting the land,
which was ploughed for production during
Portuguese rule. Peter drove us up to the remains
of the farmhouse, which sits on a hill overlooking
a plain and is used for overnighting on 4x4 safaris.
Two bougainvillea trees have survived the harsh
environment – the red flowers against the dry
parched earth were startling. I wondered about the
people who had tended these plants in that time.
More history pops up, quite literally, at
Corumana Dam. The remains of two Portuguese
trading posts protrude from the water, one of
which was a bakery, which once served travellers
along this oxwagon trade route. When the
71-square-kilometre dam is expanded to supply
more water to Maputo’s ever-increasing
population, this part of history will be completely
submerged. According to Peter, Sir Percy
FitzPatrick’s adventures (Jock of the Bushveld) to
Lourenço Marques (now known as Maputo) would
have taken him on this route.
On my final afternoon, we sat eating Taps’
gigantic sandwiches, packed with fresh
ingredients, for lunch under a sycamore fig (its
fruit is loved by birds and monkeys). We were in
the north of the park on the edge of the Masintonto
River, where herds of ellies come to drink. We got
up to walk further into the gorge, surprising two
Sharpe’s grysbok (royal game in Mozambique, and
extremely rare). They raced up the rocks and
disappeared before I could take their picture.
‘Michelle, you’ve really got to up your game,’
laughed Peter.

I flew from Cape Town to
Nelspruiton SAA (from R5 000
return, It’s
105kmfrom Nelspruitto the
Komatipoortborderpost, and
then another127kmto Sábiè.

The road from the Mozambican
borderpost to Moambois
newly tarredand good. From
Moamboto Sábiè there’star
and gravel,with corrugated
bits. If you don’t want to drive
this section,you can be
collectedand transferredto the
park. Your vehiclewill be left in
a safe place in Moambo.The
camp has Wi-Fi. Malariais
presentso take prophylactics.

The best time is from April
to October

Stayhe re
Bhejane Luxury Tented
Camp has six en-suites, all in
a tranquil private setting, and
within a few metres of the
waterhole where game comes
to drink. Sábiè’s opening special
for Getaway readers is
R2 950 pp, including all meals,
all beverages, game activities

and airstrip transfers. 064-687-

do thiS
View game. There are daily
drives, morning and afternoon,
and also at night (no self-drive).
Go fishing. Catching tiger is
best between October and
April in Sabie River, about 10km
from camp (there’s also bream
and barbel). Rods and tackle
can be hired for R150 per day.
Do a wilderness trail. This fully
catered walking adventure is
for three nights and four days
(R7 000 pp).
Take a cultural tour. The
Mangalane community will
welcome you into one of their
villages, plus you may even get
a ride in a traditional ox cart.


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