Ganja – Alpi – 120 kilometres
Not only did Ernest insist on biking this route instead of the picturesque mountain
road, but we sped right past places of interest. It seemed the two of us barely
ever agreed on anything. The way remained poor, and a headwind marred the day.
At least the Azerbaijanis appeared a great deal more welcoming than the
Georgians. Taking a break usually meant people soon started a conversation, and
no sooner the entire village arrived to inquire about our comings and goings.
The language was easier to master than Georgian, as Azerbaijani, the official
language, is Turkic. This allowed us to tell where we’re from and where we’re
going. Shortly beyond Yevlax, we encountered a Turkish roadwork team at a tea
stop who invited us to stay at their road camp. In true Turkish style, the tents
were hardly up and food arrived.
Alpi – Alat - 123 kilometres
Our early departure was due to our tents being in the car park, and people started
arriving at work. Once again, food arrived before we were even done. Good thing
as the day turned out a frustrating one of cycling into a stiff breeze via a lousy
road and in blistering heat. I wasn’t happy.
It appeared few foreigners frequented this area as villagers were genuinely
captivated by our presence, and we barely ever paid for tea. By the time we’d
finished our tea, the bill was generally already settled. One more incredible thing
was that virtually all sported a complete set of shiny golden teeth, apparently
fashionable at the time.