Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

Polish equatives as symmetrical structures 89



T ĖtoP








byl DP ‘BSC’


ti Tullij


The structure provided in (44) differs considerably from that put forward by Błaszczak
and Geist (2000), for whom ĖtoP is generated above TP, but it is very similar to the
structure offered above for Polish true equatives. Without any doubt, our proposal
concerning the structure of Russian true equatives provided in (44) above is fairly
sketchy and calls for further deeper examination. However, it is beyond the scope of
the paper to evaluate the validity of the structure in (44) for Russian true equatives and
therefore we leave it aside at this point.
To sum up, in this section, it has been suggested that ‘BSCs’ are structures without
a label and, as such, cannot be computed, e.g. undergo further Merge. Therefore, ‘BCSs’
must obtain their label and the only option for this to take place seems to be the move-
ment or internal Merge of the category that has a label, i.e. one of the DPs. The moved
DP supplies the ‘BSC’ with the label and it then becomes closer to T than the other DP.
It is thus targeted for Agree by the probe T, which guarantees the lack of Multiple Agree
in Polish equatives and the absence of the PCC-effect in this type of structure.

  1. Summary

This paper focused on the structure and derivation of Polish true equatives with the
pronominal copula to. It has been noted that equatives of this type typically host two
referential DPs such as proper names or pronouns, on both sides of the copula. It
has been emphasised that since Polish equatives show a different agreement pattern
from the one exhibited by predicational and specificational clauses with to, and, in

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