Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

List of abbreviations

abl ablative case (‘about/of sth’)
acc accusative case
adj adjective
app applicative phrase
asp aspect marker
attr attributivizer
bsc bare small clause
ca classifying adjective
Case abstract case
case morphological case
cg common gender
com comitative case (‘together
with sb’)
cond conditional mood
conv converb
cop copula
cop-h the pronominal copula hu
cop-z the pronominal copula ze
comp complementizer
cp complementizer phrase,
maximal projection of
dat dative case
delat delative case (‘away from sth’)
def definiteness marker
(article, suffix, prefix)
dim diminutive suffix
dom differential object marking
dp determiner phrase
ef Edge Feature
emph emphasis marker (affix,
episodic episodic aktionsart/

epp Extended Projection
expl expletive subject
f feminine gender
fc (abstract) feature of case
fdef (abstract) feature of
fin finiteness feature; head of
ForceP (illocutionary) force phrase
form formalis/essive case (‘in a
given state’)
fr free (headless) relative clause
fut future tense
gen genitive case
gn generic operator
[+gn] generic feature
hmc Head Movement Constraint
ident identificational operator
imp imperative mood
imps impersonal verb form
indef indefiniteness marker
iness inessive case (‘in sth’)
inf infinitive
inst instrumental case (‘with sth’)
iota predicational operator
ipfv imperfect aspect,
imperfective verb form
iter iterative (aktionsart)
la Labelling Algorithm
lca Linear Correspondence
loc locative marker (case,
suffix, adposition)
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