xii List of abbreviations
m masculine gender
mtc movement theory of
n neuter gender
nom nominative case
oc obligatory control
om object marker
pass passive voice
past past tense
pcc Person–Case Constraint
perf perfective aspect
pfx prefix
phi phi (person, number,
gender) features
pl plural number
poss possessive marker (prefix,
suffix, particle)
pot potential mood
pred predicate
pres present tense
prt particle
ptcp participle
qa qualifying adjective
rfl reflexive marker (suffix,
clitic, particle)
rp Relator Phrase
rrc Restrictive Relative Clause
sapp SpeechActParticipant
sbj subjunctive mood
sbl sublative case (‘onto sth’)
sd second dative case (on
Russian adjectival and
nominal predicates)
sfr standard free relative
sg singular number
tfr transparent free relative
top topic
topp topic phrase
topc contrastive topic
topcp contrastive topic phrase
tp tense phrase
vb vertical binding