Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

On pre-nominal classifying adjectives in Polish 225

(7) [DP D^0 [ClassP N^0 i [NP classifying adjective ti]]
(Rutkowski & Progovac 2005: 293, example (21))

The projection in question (to which the head N is raised) is labelled “Classifying
phrase” (ClassP) in Rutkowski & Progovac (2005), while Rutkowski (2007, 2009 , 2012 )
identifies ClassP with nP. Qualifying adjectives are assumed to be APs base gener-
ated as specifiers in various (iterative) functional projections above NP (and above
ClassP/nP). Hierarchies of such functional projections are given, among others, by
Cinque (1994) and Scott (1998).
The theoretical framework outlined by Rutkowski & Progovac (2005) or Rut-
kowski (2007, 2009 , 2012 ) predicts that qualifying adjectives occur pre-nominally
whereas classifying adjectives must invariantly be placed post-nominally. It will be
shown in this paper that Polish shows a more complex pattern and that a purely deri-
vational account cannot always explain interpretive differences between QAs and CAs.
Yet another prediction follows from the assumptions taken by Rutkowski &
Progovac (2005) or Rutkowski (2007, 2009 , 2012 ). While functional projections host-
ing qualifying adjectives are iterative (allowing for the occurrence of several qualifying
adjectives in a given phrase), ClassP/nP is not iterative, thus permitting the presence
of no more than one classifying adjective in a noun phrase. This is shown in the tree
diagram given below after (Rutkowski 2012: 122, Example (3)).


D^0 αP


AP α′ Iteration within the αP complex

α^0 αP

AP α′

α^0 αP

AP α′

α^0 NP






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