Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

On pre-nominal classifying adjectives in Polish 239

(33) a. Trzeba zobaczyć jak przyjeżdża do nas
necessary see.inf how come.3sg to us
ciężarowy samochód i próbuje zaparkować
cargo.adj car.nom and try.3sg park.inf

a potem wycofać i wyjechać.
and after that back.inf and leave.inf
Prawdziwy horror dla kierowcy.
real.nom nightmare.nom for driver.gen
‘One must see how a truck comes to our place, tries to park and then to
back up and leave. It’s a real nightmare for the driver.’

b. Apelowałbym tylko o budowanie
appeal.cond 1 sg only about building
od razu porządnych rond, a
at once proper.gen roundabouts.gen and

nie małych, na których ciężarowy
not small.gen on which cargo.adj
samochód ledwo się mieści
car.nom hardly rfl fit.3sg
‘I would call for the immediate construction of proper roundabouts,
and not small ones, through which a truck can hardly manoeuvre.’

c. Wedle przepisów szpitale
according to regulations.gen hospitals.nom
muszą posiadać agregaty
must.3pl possess.inf generators.acc

z funkcją autostartu (...) mają silniki
with function.loc auto-start have.3pl engines.acc
iveco i volvo. Gdy są uruchamiane,
iveco and volvo. When be.pres 3 pl started.pass.3pl
to tak jakby słyszało się
then so as_if heard.impers.3sg.n rfl
ciężarowy samochód.
cargo.adj car.acc
‘By the regulations, hospitals must possess electrical generators with
the Auto Start function (...) They have Iveco and Volvo engines. When
they are started it is as if one could hear a truck.’

Cetnarowska & Trugman (2012: 146) observe that, when occurring pre-nominally,
classifying adjectives make reference to more transparent classifications which do not

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