Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

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Agreement and definiteness in Germanic DPs 291

a condition of structural economy. Norris et al. (2013) have provided cases in which a
target of agreement is present but licensors are absent. Such cases challenge the idea of
licensors directly: to maintain the licensor-based account without change, one would
need to posit null licensors or a process of licensor-deletion that applies exactly in the
kinds of contexts that Norris et al. present. Here we have instead taken a closer look at
how a licensor free account relying on spreaders and realizers would need to be modi-
fied in order to account for the data.
We concluded that it may be possible to build up a spreader account for -EN given
an appropriate constraint on N-to-D raising that distinguishes between RRCs, APs,
and PPs in accordance with the data. For the other three cases, however – the realizer
account for -EN and both the spreader and realizer accounts for C – we see no straight-
forward way to fully account for the data. We further noted that both the spreader and
realizer approaches face challenges in accounting for definiteness marking in Icelandic
and Swedish as well as definiteness spreading in Greek. We conclude, then, that in
the absence of sufficient accounts of the data that can unify these phenomena using
spreaders and/or realizers alone, some further mechanism – whether it be licensors or
otherwise – should still be considered.


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