Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

16 Steven Franks

Comrie notes that this extends to infinitival purpose clauses, so long as they are not
introduced by the complementiser čtoby ‘in order to’. Compare in this regard the fol-
lowing with (7b) below:

(6) Ljuba priexala [PRO pokupat’ maslo sama].
Lyuba.nom arrived buy.inf butter self.nom
‘Ljuba arrived to buy the butter by herself.’

In addition to (2) and (3), the examples in (7) demonstrate the range of syntactic
environments in which agreement fails and the SD appears instead; these are cited by
Franks (1995) and references therein. In (7a–d), there is an obligatory controller of the
infinitive, but agreement nonetheless gives way to the dative. Example (7a) illustrates
object control, (7b) involves a purpose clause, (7c) an adnominal infinitive, and (7d) a
non-commanding controller. In (7e–g), there is a potential antecedent, but the infini-
tive can also (to varying degrees) be understood as having an arbitrary human subject.
In (7h), and (2) above, there is no (overt) antecedent, so only the arbitrary interpreta-
tion is felicitous:

(7) a. Maša ugovorila Vanju [PRO prigotovit’ obed odnomu].
Masha persuaded Vanya.acc prepare.inf lunch alone.dat
‘Masha persuaded Vanya to prepare lunch alone.’
b. Ljuba priexala, [čtoby PRO pokupat’ maslo samoj].
Lyuba.nom arrived so_that buy.inf butter self.dat
‘Ljuba arrived to buy the butter by herself.’
c. Želanie Igorja [PRO pojti odnomu] nas očen’ rasstroilo.
desire Igor.gen go.inf alone.dat us very upset.past
‘Igor’s desire to go alone upset us very much.’
d. Dlja nas utomitel’no [PRO delat’ èto samim].
for us exhausting do.inf this
‘It is exhausting for us to do this on our own.’
e. Ivan ne imeet predstavlenija o tom,
Ivan.nom not has idea.gen about it
[kak PRO žit’ samomu].
how live.inf self.dat
‘Ivan has no idea how to live on his own.’
f. Ivan dumaet, čto [PRO pojti domoj odnomu] važno.
Ivan.nom thinks that go.inf home alone.dat important
‘Ivan thinks that it is important to go home alone.’
g. [PRO Pojti tuda odnomu] rasstroilo by menja.
go.inf there alone.dat upset cond me
‘It would upset me to go there alone.’
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