Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

(98) a. Ija ja hud-ig-a eu nu uqa sab
lsG fire open-lsG-TPAST that for 3SG food
mane-i-a. Subordination
"Because I lit the fire, she cooked the food."
b. Uqa sab mane-i-a ija ja hud-ig-a eu nu.
3sG food roast-3sG-TPAST ISG fire open-lsG-TPAST that for
"She cooked the food because I lit the fire."
(99) a. Ija ja hud-ig-a qa uqa sab mane-i-a. Coordina-
ISG fire open-1SG-TPAST but 3SG food roast-3sG-TPAST tion
"I lit the fire but she cooked the food."
b. * Uqa sab mane-i-a ija ja hud-ig-a qa.
3SG food roast-3sG-TPAST ISG fire open-lsG-TPAST but
(100) *Dana age qu-ig-a ho busale-ce-b. Switch-reference
man 3PL hit-3pL-TPAST pig run.away-Ds-3sG

Second, a pronoun in an initial subordinate clause can be coreferential with
a full NP in the following matrix clause, but this is not possible in coordi­
nate or SR structures.

(101) a. {Uqa) ja hud-i-a eu nu Mary{ sab
(3SG) fire open-3sG-TPAST that for food
mane-i-a. Subordination
"Because shei lit the fire, Mary¡ cooked the food."
b. * (Uqa) ho-ix-a qaFredx sab qee
(3SG) come-3sG-TPAST but food NEG
je-l-0v Coordination
*"Hej came, but Fred¡ didn't eat the food."
 *(Uqa) bil-i-me- Fredxje-i-a. Switch-reference
(3SG) SÍt-PRED-SS-3sG eat-3sG-TPAST
*"He¡ sat and Fred¡ ate."

With respect to these phenomena, then, SR constructions behave like coor­
dinate structures, not subordinate clauses. Thus, SR constructions in
Amele are examples of neither subordination or simple coordination.

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