(98) a. Ija ja hud-ig-a eu nu uqa sab
lsG fire open-lsG-TPAST that for 3SG food
mane-i-a. Subordination
"Because I lit the fire, she cooked the food."
b. Uqa sab mane-i-a ija ja hud-ig-a eu nu.
3sG food roast-3sG-TPAST ISG fire open-lsG-TPAST that for
"She cooked the food because I lit the fire."
(99) a. Ija ja hud-ig-a qa uqa sab mane-i-a. Coordina-
ISG fire open-1SG-TPAST but 3SG food roast-3sG-TPAST tion
"I lit the fire but she cooked the food."
b. * Uqa sab mane-i-a ija ja hud-ig-a qa.
3SG food roast-3sG-TPAST ISG fire open-lsG-TPAST but
(100) *Dana age qu-ig-a ho busale-ce-b. Switch-reference
man 3PL hit-3pL-TPAST pig run.away-Ds-3sG
Second, a pronoun in an initial subordinate clause can be coreferential with
a full NP in the following matrix clause, but this is not possible in coordi
nate or SR structures.
(101) a. {Uqa) ja hud-i-a eu nu Mary{ sab
(3SG) fire open-3sG-TPAST that for food
mane-i-a. Subordination
"Because shei lit the fire, Mary¡ cooked the food."
b. * (Uqa) ho-ix-a qaFredx sab qee
(3SG) come-3sG-TPAST but food NEG
je-l-0v Coordination
*"Hej came, but Fred¡ didn't eat the food."
*(Uqa) bil-i-me- Fredxje-i-a. Switch-reference
(3SG) SÍt-PRED-SS-3sG eat-3sG-TPAST
*"He¡ sat and Fred¡ ate."
With respect to these phenomena, then, SR constructions behave like coor
dinate structures, not subordinate clauses. Thus, SR constructions in
Amele are examples of neither subordination or simple coordination.