Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

this construction the subordinate verb functions as a modifier of the matrix

verb, analogous to the relation between the modifying adverbial subordi­

nate clause and the matrix clause in certain types of clausal subordination.

Hence (109a) is an example of nuclear cosubordination and (109b) nuclear

coordination, and both exemplify nuclear subordination.

Examples of RRG projection grammar representations for two kinds

of English core juncture are given in Figures 30 and 31 and for two kinds of

Turkish core junctures in Figures 32 and 33. Figure 30 is an example of core

cosubordination in English. The fact that John is an argument of more than

one core is captured by the theory of control and the linking algorithm to be

presented in section 7.2.1. The constituent projections of these two sen­

tences are basically the same, whereas there is a significant difference in

their operator projections: the core nodes are dominated by a superordi-

nate core node in cosubordination (Figure 30) but not in coordination (Fig­

ure 31). This reflects the fact that in core cosubordination a core operator
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