Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

order" in German is SVFIN0 or SOVFIN overlooks the fundamental fact that

the two are not functionally equivalent. VFIN0 word order indicates that

the clause is within the PFD, while OVFIN order signals that the clause is

outside of the PFD. This contrast will have major implications for linking in

complex sentences, which will be discussed in section 7.3.

6.7 Complex NPs

Relative clauses and noun complement constructions have not been discus­

sed, because the theory of clause linkage applies to the joining of clauses

and subclausal units with each other; these constructions involve the linking

of a clause with a nominal head. However, the concepts from the theory of

clause linkage can be extended to provide a framework for their analysis.

Noun complement constructions like the rumor that Fred saw a UFO

involve a clause as a core argument of a nominal nucleus; this may be rep­

resented as in Figure 39. Restrictive relative clauses in a language like Eng­

lish, on the other hand, are non-argument, i.e. peripheral, modifiers of the

nominal core and are structurally analogous to adverbial subordinate

clauses (see Figure 36). This is represented in Figure 40. Complex NP struc­

ture represents a major focus for future work in RRG.
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