argument in the linked core, there is no syntactic argument to associate
with the actor argument of the embedded LS. Since there is only one possi
ble controller in the matrix core, it is linked to the open argument.^61 This
open argument need not be actor in English. In John tried to be examined
by a specialist, the actor of try is linked to the undergoer argument of
The process works exactly the same way with transitive verbs like per
suade (undergoer control) and promise (actor control). Each LS is linked to
its respective core, and a CC violation is avoided only if one of the core
arguments of the linked core is mapped into one of the syntactic functions
of the matrix core, under identity with an argument from the matrix LS.
The theory of control in (117) governs the linking of two arguments from
different LSs into the same syntactic function, or conversely, it determines
which of the matrix core arguments will be associated with the open argu
ment position in the embedded LS. The linking from syntax to semantics
for Mary was persuaded by John to clean the clock is presented in Figure 43.
The linking for (113c) is given in Figure 44. The only difference between