Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

guistically, their occurrence in a language must be exceptional in some way,
and the marked property that underlies this construction is the mismatch
between the semantics of verbs like believe and their syntactic transitivity
when they function as complement-taking predicates.
The linking from syntax to semantics does not involve the theory of
control, unlike "equi" constructions, and the modification of (118) that is
required is the statement given in 4b in (121).
(121) Linking from Syntactic Structure to Logical Structure (Revised)

  1. Ascertain the voice of a transitive verb:
    a. If it is active, the pivot is an actor.
    b. If it is passive, the pivot is an undergoer; the actor may
    appear in the periphery marked by an adposition or an
    oblique case, as in English by.

  2. Retrieve the LS of the predicate in the nucleus from the lex­
    icon and with respect to it execute steps (1) and (2) from 115
    above, subject to the following proviso:
    a. When there is more than one choice for the undergoer,
    execute steps (b) and (c) below instead of assigning under-
    b. With respect to the LS, execute step (1) from (115) and
    determine actor only.
     With respect to the sentence being analyzed, determine
    the semantic roles of the non-macrorole core arguments
    from their case marking/adposition; if the non-macrorole
    core argument is marked by a locative adposition, link it
    with the first argument position in the state predicate in
    the LS; otherwise, link it to the second argument position.

  3. Link actor with actor, undergoer with undergoer, remaining
    semantic role(s) with remaining semantic role(s).

  4. In non-subordinate core junctures:
    a. If there is a fully linked syntactic representation but an
    unlinked argument in the embedded LS, the theory of
    control determines which core argument of the matrix
    core is associated with the unlinked argument position in
    the embedded LS.
    b. If, for a direct core argument in the matrix core, there is
    no argument position in the LS of the verb corresponding

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