Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

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Stahlke, H. 1970. "Serial verbs". Studies in African Linguistics 1.60-99.
Thráinsson, Höskuldur. 1979. On Complementation in Icelandic. New York: Garland.
Thurman, Robert. 1975. "Chuave Medial Verbs". Anthropological Linguistics 17:7.342-
Tomcsányi, Judit. 1988. Roles y Referenda en Bribri: Aspectos de la Determinación Fun­
cional en las Structuras Sintácticas. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, National Univ.
of Costa Rica.
Van Valin, Robert D., Jr. 1980. "Meaning and Interpretation". Journal of Pragmatics

. 1981. "Grammatical Relations in Ergative Languages". Studies in Language
. 1984. "A Typology of Syntactic Relations in Clause Linkage. BLS 10.542-58.
. 1985. "Case Marking and the Structure of the Lakhota Clause". In Nichols &
Woodbury, eds., 363-413.
. 1986. "Pragmatics, Island Phenomena, and Linguistic Competence". CLS22/2:
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guages". International Journal of American Linguistics 53.371-397.
. 1987b. "Aspects of the Interaction of Syntax and Pragmatics: Discourse
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guage, 11.7-40.
. 1991b. "Another Look at Icelandic Case Marking and Grammatical Relations".
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 9.145-194.
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Vendler, Zeno. 1967. Linguistics in Philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press.
Walton, Charles. 1986. Sama Verbal Semantics: Classification, Derivation and Inflec­
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Watters, James K. 1986. "Notes on Tepehua Verbal Semantics". DWPIL 1.118-144.
. 1987. "An Investigation of Turkish Clause Linkage". DWPIL 2.130-141 (re­
vised version, this volume).

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