Serial Verbs and Complement Constructions
in Mandarin: A Clause Linkage Analysis*
Mark Hansell
Carleton College
- Introduction
This paper proposes a unified analysis of Mandarin serial verb constructions
and complement constructions in terms of clause linkage. The syntactic and
semantic characteristics of both types of constructions are discussed, along
with the pros and cons of treating them as similar vs. distinct phenomena.
In section 5 several concepts from Role and Reference Grammar are intro
duced that allow analysis of the two types of construction as clause linkage
of different degrees of tightness. In sections 5 and 6 tightness of syntactic
linkage is correlated with degree of semantic connection, especially involv
ing the concept of causation.
1. Serial verb constructions
What are commonly known as Serial Verb Constructions (henceforth
SVCs) in Mandarin are series of two or more VPs, sharing common argu
ments and exhibiting zero anaphora, with no overt marking of linkage. The
three most basic types (Tao 1984) are:
- Juxtaposition of full VP's that express separate events.
- Pivot construction.
- Coverb construction.