Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


but the general possibility of the event occurring. The PC with the NEG
marker bu expresses the impossibility of the event encoded by λ^+λ^
occuring, while the PC with de expresses the possibility of it occurring. For
example, the PCs (19a-b) can be constructed corresponding to (13):
(13) Wo kán döng le nèi ben shü
I read understand ASP that CLF book
"I understood (by way of reading) that book."
(19) a. Wo öngkán de d nèi bën shü.
I read PART understand that CLF book
"I can understand that book (by way of reading)."
b. Wo kán bu dong nèi bën shü.
I read NEG understand that CLF book
"I can't understand that book (by way of reading)."
It is important to note the difference between (13) and (19a). In (13), read­
ing has occurred, which resulted in understanding. In (19a), neither has
necessarily occurred, (19a) simply states that if reading were to occur,
understanding could result. In this sense, (13) is realized (as are CR's in
general), and (19b) is unrealized (as are PCs in general). PCs are often said
to express modality, and are usually translated using English modals ("can"
and "can't" in (19a) and (19b)), and can often be paraphrased in Mandarin
with true modals (this question will be dealt with further in section 5
Just as the CR construction can change an activity verb into an
accomplishment verb, so the PC changes that accomplishment verb into a
Stative. The PC is stative in that it expresses a state of affairs without any
specified endpoint, it is not an ongoing activity (cannot take the progres­
sive), and brings about no change in its object (cannot take the ba construc­
(20) *Wö ba shü kán de döng.
I PRETRANS book read PART understand
"I can understand the book (by way of reading)."
It is also important to note that (19b) is not the negative form of (13);
rather, (21) is the negative of (13):
(21) Wo méiyöu kan döng nèi bën shü.
I NEG+ASP read understand that CLF book
"I didn't understand that book (by way of reading)."
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