Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


This also occurs once with Finite -ak, bringing in an additional object:

say-FiN-QuoT-3 Kwatyat OBJ-FIN-3 ÍWO-ART girls
"[quotation] said Kwatyat to the two girls".
2uh introduces an identification of the subject:

not know-FiN-3 suBj who live as neighbors-REL-3
"her neighbors did not know


what-when-PAss-REL DUB-3 die-GRAD-completely-CAus-PAss
what it was that brought it about that they were being killed off".
In the remaining five occurrences, it is in passive form 2uh2at, which allows
the addition of the agent of the passive, as in this quoted passage:


want-PASs-2sG spear-REcip SUBJ-PASS Raven-son
"Raven wants to have you and himself throw spears at each
This preposition also occurs in our sample seven times as the predicate of
both independent and subordinate clauses, in both quoted and narrative


"let him do it"
hear-MOM-FiN-PASs-QuoT-3 SUBJ-SUB-3 Deer-son
"they heard that it was Deer".

9. Verb serialization

The third juncture type, nuclear, seems to be clearly represented also in
cosubordination, in a pattern of verb serialization. Here two (sometimes
more) verbs share the same core and periphery, and usually even the nuc­
lear category of aspect, with the markings split between them. The first
verb is typically in an aspectually neutral form, and it carries all the clausal
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