Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

eat-pretendedly-PAss-poss-puRP-3 wake up-- FUT-COND-3
so that he may think that his [salmon] has been eaten when he
wakes up".

10.7 Subordinating particles

The other, overlapping, device for indicating subordination is an inflected
particle preceding the clause, of which the most clearly specified is 2ani.
This occurs 26 times in our sample (once as first person 2anis, once quota-
tive 2anrc). It basically has a complementizer force similar to that of the
Subordinate {-qay). This enters into various patterns: it is followed 12 times
by a clause in absolutive form, presumably in core cosubordination with it;
also 12 times by a clause in the Subordinate mode; once each by clauses in
the Conditional and Indicative. The clause it introduces is commonly the
object of a verb, especially one expressing the obtaining or communicating
of information, but it is also found in core cosubordination with what pre­
cedes. An example of following Subordinate:

say-FiN-QuoT-3-again that sick-suB-3
"he said again that he was sick".

And of a following absolutive form:

find out-MOM-3 that swallow-PAss-poss mother-poss Kwatyat
"Kwatyat found out that his mother had been swallowed".
The other candidate for a subordinating particle is ?uyi, occurring
thrice, followed by the Conditional. This has meanings "whether" and "at
the time when":
suspect-iNCEP-3 whether SUBJ-COND-3 die-GRAD-completely-cAus
"she began to suspect that it might be he who was causing them
to die off".
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