Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

b. _
when had she(isi) worked at bridge-building
"When did she work at bridge-building?"

(7) a. Smalinn, eg held ad troll muni taka
the.shepherd(N) I(N) think(lsG) CMPL trolls(N) will take
hann á mor gun.
() tomorrow
"The shepherd, I think that trolls will take him tomorrow."
b. *Smalinn, held eg ad troll muni taka hann á mor gun.

In a WH-question, the WH-word appears in the PCS, and because this is a
clause-internal position, the finite verb would not be in second position if
the subject remained in its unmarked location, as in (6c), leading to a viola­
tion of the V/2 constraint and ungrammaticality. Consequently, the subject
must occur immediately following the finite verb, as in (6b), thereby satisfy­
ing the constraint. The structure of (6b) is given in Figure 5. The subject
remains in core-initial position, just as in (6a), despite the inversion. The
utterance-initial NP in (7a) does not require that the finite verb occur

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