Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

crete,hammer)] structure on the left of CAUSE. The addition of an effec­
tor/instrument (with an axe) would posit a CAUSE [BECOME be-at'
(hammer, axe)] structure to the left of the main CAUSE. Clearly, the dis­
tinctions between prepositional classes hinge on the relationship presup­
posed between semantic and syntactic valence. Whether or not a given
preposition is regarded as argument-marking (Class 1) depends upon the
boundaries presupposed for verbal subcategorization frames. The decom­
posed semantic structures of verbs developed by Dowty and FVV illumi­
nate the argument structures of verbs so that the relationship between the
semantic valence of a fully elaborated verb and its syntactic valence in a
specific context is made explicit.
Another set of accomplishment verbs which this analysis treats as max­
imally expandable are motion accomplishments, as illustrated in sentence
(28) Rita walked to the store.
The syntactic valence of the verb here is two, where Rita = agent (by impli-
cature)-theme and store = locative-goal. Walk, which is lexically an activity
verb, has a semantic valence of one, as an activity verb. Our analysis
regards motion accomplishments as four-place relations in semantic struc­
ture, where the verbal arguments are agent-theme, locative-source, loca­
tive-path, and locative-goal, as maximally specified in sentence (29).
(29) a. Rita walked from the school through the park to the store.
b. [walk' (Rita)])] CAUSE [[BECOME NOT be-at' (school,
Rita)] & [BECOME be-via' (park, Rita)] & [BECOME be­
at' (store, Rita)]]
Syntactically, only two arguments need be specified in a motion
accomplishment structure: an agent-theme and a source or goal.^7 Semanti-
cally, all motion accomplishment verbs have a maximum valence of four.
Transfer accomplishment verbs like buy and sell are similar, with only agent
and theme minimally necessary and a source (buy) or goal (sell) as an
optional expansion. Maximal expansion cannot occur with activities (note
that an activity such as walk becomes an accomplishment with a CAUSE
[BECOME] structure once a source or goal is added) or statives. In fact,
the marginal acceptability of a sentence such as (30) is based on the fact
that the stative condition of hunger in this sentence is interpreted as a stage-
level stative^8 which allows a process reading, just as extend is a stage-level
stative, allowing a process interpretation in sentence (31).

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