Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

tematically related to classes of intransitive state predicates taking dative or
ablative objects, e.g., transfer verbs.
Yet it appears to be the case that while ablative or genitive theme-cod­
ing implicates membership in one such subclass, the converse is not neces­
sarily the case — there are verbs belonging to these subclasses which sanc­
tion only normal theme-coding. Thus, for example, the "deviant" removal
verb privo (15a) has the "normal" synonym separo (2b). While it does
appear that, e.g., statives of lack sanction only the deviant case-pattern, we
might for the time being continue to regard the marked linkage of (26) as a
lexically governed feature, like transitivity. Thus, the presence of the
marked linkage, in addition to any non-default allocation of macroroles,
will be noted in lexical entries for predicates in this group. The case of the
outranked theme need not be specified — given the coding principle of
(26), the statement that the particular predicate requires the linkage of
locative to U is sufficient. As to the question of whether the particular pred­
icate sanctions ablative or genitive coding of the outranked theme (or
both), this too need not be noted in the lexical entry — as will be discussed
below, this selection is largely a function of its subclass.
We now examine the representation of two-place state predicates
denoting remembrance, of which memini, "I remember," will be taken as
representative. It can be given the following lexical representation:
memini: remember' (x,y) [+MR, Loc → U]
As a state predicate, this verb assigns its arguments the thematic roles loca­
tive and theme. As noted, it assigns only one macrorole, which will be an
undergoer, as memini contains no activity predicate in its LS. According to
the A/U hierarchy, theme outranks locative for U; here, however, as
noted, it is the locative which bears the macrorole; it has nominative case,
indicating that it occupies PrP position (for which macrorole status is a pre­
requisite). The theme, outranked for U, receives genitive case, in accor­
dance with the coding convention for this marked linkage given in (26).
The RRG system of lexical decomposition also provides a ready
account of the fact that the genitive object associated with the statives
denoting remembrance is also associated with the causative verb admoneo,
"I remind." As an accomplishment predicate, admoneo contains both an
activity predicate denoting the causal action and a stative predicate denot­
ing the goal state:
admoneo: [do' (x)] CAUSE [BECOME remember' (y,z)]
[Loc → U]

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