Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

Pepicello, William. 1977. "Raising in Latin". Lingua 42.8-19.
Pinkster, Harm. 1985. "Latin cases and valency grammar: some problems," Syntaxe et
Latin ed. by Christian Touratier, 163-186. Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence.

. (to appear). "Nonaccusative second arguments of two-place verbs in Latin".
Cuadernos de Filología Clásica.
Rice, Sally. 1987. "Towards a Transitive Prototype: Evidence from some Atypical Eng­
lish Passives," BLS 13.422-434.
Ross, John R. 1967. Constraints on Variables in Syntax. MIT Ph.D. dissertation. (Pub­
lished in 1986 as Infinite Syntax. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp.)
van Oosten, Jeanne. 1984. Subject, Topic, Agent, and Passive. UC Berkeley PhD disser­
Van Valin, Robert D., Jr. 1991. "Another Look at Icelandic Case Marking and Gram­
matical Relations". Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 9.145-194.

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