about a nominal nucleus and direct and indirect core arguments in the NP.
In 2.2.2, the significance of being able to apply the notion of direct and
indirect core arguments to the NP will become readily apparent.
As reflected in Figure 2, the position occupied by the NP's prenominal
genitive NP cannot be discussed in terms of clause-internal units. This posi
tion corresponds instead to a clause-external sentential position identified
as the Left Detached Position [LDP]. In both sentence and NP this position
precedes the core, but, due to the more complex layered structure of the
sentence, which includes a position not found in the NP (the "Pre-Core
Slot" [PCS]), the sentential LDP is structurally more distant from the core
than is the nominal LDP. (The function of the LDP NP is reviewed in
Figure 1: The Layered Structure of the Clause