Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


(16) a. The king supplied the rebelsU. loc with weapons'th.
b. the (king's) supplying of the rebelsU. loc with weapons^
 The king supplied weapons.^ U th to the rebelsloc.
d. the (king's) supplying of weaponsU. th to the rebelsloc
In the (15a) and (16a) clausal constructions, with, typically used to mark the
non-U themes of verbs denoting motion to a specified location,^15 preposi-
tionally marks the non-U theme. Where the locatives, Jeffand the rebels,
are marked with of as the vNs' direct arguments in the related vNP (b) con­
structions, the themes are free to occur with the prepositions used in the
clause.^16 Likewise, the vNPs in (15d) and (16d) are free to use the clausally-
employed to to mark the non-U locatives. In short, where two direct argu­
ments follow the verb in the clause, the vNP, having only one direct argu­
ment position, cannot pattern with the clause in having a dative shift alter­
nation of arguments for U status. Where the non-U argument is an indirect
argument in the clause (i.e. is prepositionally marked), however, the vNP
can reflect the same alternation.
(17) Two post-V direct arguments in the clause
a. Joe gave Sally U. loc a carth.
b. * the gift of SallyU. loc (of) α carU. th
 Sue handed the professor U. loc the exams th.
d. *the handing of the professorU. loc (of) the examsth
(18) One direct and one indirect post-V argument in the clause
a. Joe gave a carU. the to Sally]oc.
b. the gift of a carU. th to Sallyloc
c. Joe handed the exams U. th to the prof essor Xoz
d. the handing of the examsU. th to the professorloc
e. Jeff drained the waterU. th from the poolloc.
f. the draining of the waterU: th from the poolloc
g. Jeff drained the ροοΙU. loc of its waterth.
h. the draining of the ροοΙU. loc of its waterth
Thus, where an indirect argument in the clause is marked with of, that argu­
ment may occur in the related vNP with the same of marker. In future dis­
cussion, this of will be referred to as the "clausal case-marking of."
A second of which is found in both the clause and the nominal may be
identified as the "source of." As the label suggests, and is true of the of
marking the non-U theme of removal verbs, this of is associated with the
notion of "source." In distinction to the clausal case-marking of, however,
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