Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

2.3.2 Direct argument linking in the vNP: looking at the data

In 2.2.2, it was noted that RRG predicts vN direct argument selection in
terms of the U > A linking hierarchy given in (8). It was further noted that
this hierarchy in turn predicts that with STA, ACH, and ACM V sources
taking both macroroles, the argument which may be linked to the direct
argument position in the vNP will be the argument bearing U status in the
clause; with ACT V sources, which take only an A, the vN's direct argu­
ment will correspond to the clausal A. These class-related predictions are
investigated in Achievement-verb nominalizations

The predictions summarized above are most transparently borne out in the
data with nominals derived from the achievement class of verbs. A few rep­
resentative examples are given below, where the notations "CL-U" and
"CL-A" stand for "clausal U" and "clausal A," respectively. Brackets mark
the "of NPdir arg" phrase.
(23) Intransitive sources (U as single clausal macrorole)
a. the death [of JeffCL_u]
b. the arrival [of the letterCL-U]
 the (sudden) breaking [of the stringCL-U]
d. the (sudden) opening [of the doorCL-U]
(24) Transitive sources (Both A and U in clause)
a. the inheritance I acquisiton [of SueCL_A]
b. the inheritance/acquisition [of the jewelsCL-U]
the receipt/loss [ofJoeCL_A]
d. the receipt/loss [of the letterCL-U]
Thus, U > A correctly predicts vN direct argument linking with these
ACH-verb nominalizations. Accomplishment-verb nominalizations
ACM-verb nominalizations are nearly as straightforward as the ACHs in
following the prediction of U > A for vN direct argument linking. In all of
the following examples, only arguments linked to the U are able to occupy
the direct argument position in the vNP.
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