Agent Effector Experiencer Locative Theme Patient
a. Suex minuteSy notationz
b. toreadorx arenay toreadorx
burglarx housey burglarx
In the clause, the highest ranking argument is always linked to the A. In
every case above, therefore, the argument bearing the thematic role of
effector is so linked. Typically, the lowest ranking argument is linked to the
U. Only in (28a), however, is that argument (the theme, notation) free to
be linked to the U. In (28b,c), the arguments bearing the role of theme {tor
eador and burglar, respectively) are the same arguments which bear the
role of effector. The higher ranking relation being given priority in assign
ing macrorole status in the clause, these effector-themes are linked to the
A, not the U; the locatives, arena and house, are linked to the U. In the
vNP, however, it is the lower-ranking relation in a dual thematic relation
which is given priority in interpreting macrorole status. That is, whereas the
clause gives priority to the effector relation of the effector-theme arguments
in (27b,c) and links them to the actor macrorole, the vNP gives priority to
the theme relation of those arguments and treats them as undergoers. Con
sequently, in the vNP correlates of (27b,c), arguments bearing the dual
relation of effector-theme are treated as Us, their theme relation being
ranked lower on the Α-U Hierarchy than either their jointly borne effector
relation or the locative relation borne by the second NP argument (cf. 29).
Treated as Us, these effector-themes are linked in the vNP to the direct
argument position, in spite of the fact that they are clausal actors.
(29) a. the jubilant entrance [of the toreadorCL-A.] (into the arena)
b. the surreptitous entry [of the burglar CL.A.] (into the house)
In other words, whereas priority is given to the higher end of the A-U
Hierarchy in the linking of arguments to the priviledged syntactic position
in the clause (the "subject"), priority is given, with the exception of the
class of activities, to the lower end of the Α-U Hierarchy in the linking of
arguments to the priviledged syntactic position in the vNP (the direct argu
ment position). Thus, in constructions headed by V/vNs capable of taking
both macroroles, it is the argument bearing the highest-ranking thematic
relation which is linked to the A in the clause, and, with the exception of