Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole." In
this telic sense, analyze takes on an ACM interpretation in which Jeri's
activity of methodical examination causes a bounded state of affairs — a
"determin[ation of] the nature of the whole" — to be brought about.
The suggestion that analyze does, in fact, have both of these senses is
supported when those of the Dowty tests which typically separate activity
verbs from accomplishment verbs are applied to analyze (1979: 60; number­
ing altered from original).
(41) ACT/ACM Dowty Tests Activities Accomplishments

  1. 0 in an hour, take an hour to 0 bad OK

  2. 0 for an hour entails 0 at all times in the hour: yes no

  3. χ is 0ing entails x has Φed: yes no

  4. complement of finish: bad OK
    When these tests are applied to analyze, the verb-classification results vary
    according to which of the two senses described above (the atelic, as in Jeri
    analyzed the data all afternoon, or the telic, as in Jeri analyzed the data in
    less than an hour) are assumed.
    (42) Dowty tests applied to analyze:
    Test 1: Jeri analyzed the data in an hour /Jeri took an hour to
    analyze the data.
    OK if the nature of the data was determined at the end of that
    hour: = ACM
    BAD if no such determination was reached: = ACT
    Test 2: Jeri analyzed the data for an hour entails she analyzed the
    data at all times in the hour.
    YES if only methodical examination was occurring throughout
    that hour: = ACT
    NO if the nature of the data was determined at any point dur­
    ing that hour: = ACM
    Test 3: Jeri is analyzing the data entails she has analyzed the data.
    YES if in both the test construction and the entailment,
    analyze is interpreted as referring only to methodical exami­
    nation: = ACT
    NO if in the entailment, analyze is interpreted as including a
    determination of the nature of the whole: = ACM

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